NIV Exhaustive Concordance Dictionary – dābar
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H1819 דָּבַר2 dābar2, v. [1137] [→ 1805, 1806, 1808?, 1821, 1825, 1826, 1830, 4498]. [Q. P, Ht] to say, speak, tell, command, promise; [Qp, Pu] to be spoken (of); [N] to speak together; a general term for verbal communication, note the specific contextual translations in the NIV:– said (199), speak (167), spoken (98), spoke (88), say (67), promised (50), tell (49), speaking (36), told (36), talked (16), says (15), speaks (14), talking (14), talk (11), saying (10), gave (6), pronounced (6), reported (6), declared (5), decreed (5), directed (5), given (5), made (5), proclaimed (5), repeated (5), replied (5), say (5 [+1821]), warned (5), asked (4), praying (4), promise (4), speak out (4), telling (4), words (4), ask (3), give (3), instructed (3), pronounce (3), pronounced on (3 [+907]), speak up (3), spoke up (3), threatened (3), announce (2), announced (2), answered (2), declare (2), foretold (2), full of (2), give answer (2 [+1821]), give word (2), inciting (2), liars (2 [+9214]), preached (2), proclaim (2), proclaiming (2), promises made (2), propose (2), sang (2), speak well (2 [+1819]), tells (2), threaten (2), used to say (2 [+1819]), utter (2), address (1), are said (1), argued (1), asking (1), asks (1), boastful (1 [+1524]), break out (1), commanded (1), contend (1), decree (1), dictate (1), discussed (1), encourage (1 [+6584, 4213]), encouraged (1 [+6584, 4222]), ever say (1 [+1821]), explained (1), fluent (1 [+4554, 4200]), gave the message (1 [+3972, 2021, 2021, 465, 1821]), give an answer (1), give opinion (1), gives (1), giving (1), harbor deception (1), imagine (1), instructed (1 [+7023]), invite (1), is spoken (1), lie (1 [+3942]), lie (1 [+9214]), lied (1 [+3942]), lies (1 [+8736]), lying (1 [+3942]), lying (1 [+9214]), made request (1), make (1), make many promises (1 [+1821]), make promise (1 [+1821]), make request (1), mention (1), mentioned (1), message (1), message came (1), named (1), ordered (1), persuade (1 [+6584, 4213]), plea (1), plead (1), pleaded (1), predicted (1), proclaims (1), promise (1 [+1821]), promises (1), promises (1 [+1821]), prophesied (1 [+5553]), rebukes (1), recited (1), reciting (1), recommended (1), request (1 [+1821]), requested (1), ridicule (1), said (1 [+928, 7023]), said (1 [+1821]), said (1 [+2021, 1821]), said a word (1), shouted (1), silent (1 [+4202]), slander (1), speak with words (1), speaking kindly (1 [+6584, 4213]), speech (1 [+4537]), spoken (1 [+7023]), spread (1), spreading (1), spreads (1), state (1), suggested (1), talking together (1), tell (1 [+928, 265]), testify (1), told (1 [+928, 265]), urging (1), uttered (1 [+1821]), verdict (1), willS (1 [+1821]), NDT (24)