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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
New Century Version (NCV)
Psalm 72

A Prayer for the King

Of Solomon.

72 God, give the king your good judgment
    and the king’s son your goodness.
Help him judge your people fairly
    and decide what is right for the poor.
Let there be peace on the mountains
    and goodness on the hills for the people.
Help him be fair to the poor
    and save the needy
    and punish those who hurt them.

May they respect you as long as the sun shines
    and as long as the moon glows.
Let him be like rain on the grass,
    like showers that water the earth.
Let goodness be plentiful while he lives.
    Let peace continue as long as there is a moon.

Let his kingdom go from sea to sea,
    and from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.
Let the people of the desert bow down to him,
    and make his enemies lick the dust.
10 Let the kings of Tarshish and the faraway lands
    bring him gifts.
Let the kings of Sheba and Seba
    bring their presents to him.
11 Let all kings bow down to him
    and all nations serve him.

12 He will help the poor when they cry out
    and will save the needy when no one else will help.
13 He will be kind to the weak and poor,
    and he will save their lives.
14 He will save them from cruel people who try to hurt them,
    because their lives are precious to him.

15 Long live the king!
    Let him receive gold from Sheba.
Let people always pray for him
    and bless him all day long.
16 Let the fields grow plenty of grain
    and the hills be covered with crops.
Let the land be as fertile as Lebanon,
    and let the cities grow like the grass in a field.
17 Let the king be famous forever;
    let him be remembered as long as the sun shines.
Let the nations be blessed because of him,
    and may they all bless him.

18 Praise the Lord God, the God of Israel,
    who alone does such miracles.
19 Praise his glorious name forever.
    Let his glory fill the whole world.
Amen and amen.

20 This ends the prayers of David son of Jesse.

Jeremiah 31:7-14

This is what the Lord says:

“Be happy and sing for the people of Jacob.
    Shout for Israel, the greatest of the nations.
Sing your praises and shout this:
    Lord, save your people,
    those who are left alive from the nation of Israel!’
Look, I will soon bring Israel from the country in the north,
    and I will gather them from the faraway places on earth.
Some of the people are blind and crippled.
    Some of the women are pregnant, and some are ready to give birth.
    A great many people will come back.
They will be crying as they come,
    but they will pray as I bring them back.
I will lead those people by streams of water
    on an even road where they will not stumble.
I am Israel’s father,
    and Israel is my firstborn son.

10 “Nations, listen to the message from the Lord.
    Tell this message in the faraway lands by the sea:
‘The one who scattered the people of Israel will bring them back,
    and he will watch over his people like a shepherd.’
11 The Lord will pay for the people of Jacob
    and will buy them back from people stronger than they were.
12 The people of Israel will come to the high points of Jerusalem
    and shout for joy.
Their faces will shine with happiness about all the good things from the Lord:
    the grain, new wine, oil, young sheep, and young cows.
They will be like a garden that has plenty of water,
    and they will not be troubled anymore.
13 Then young women of Israel will be happy and dance,
    the young men and old men also.
I will change their sadness into happiness;
    I will give them comfort and joy instead of sadness.
14 The priests will have more than enough sacrifices,
    and my people will be filled with the good things I give them!” says the Lord.

John 1:1-9

Christ Comes to the World

In the beginning there was the Word.[a] The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made by him, and nothing was made without him. In him there was life, and that life was the light of all people. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered[b] it.

There was a man named John[c] who was sent by God. He came to tell people the truth about the Light so that through him all people could hear about the Light and believe. John was not the Light, but he came to tell people the truth about the Light. The true Light that gives light to all was coming into the world!

John 1:10-18

10 The Word was in the world, and the world was made by him, but the world did not know him. 11 He came to the world that was his own, but his own people did not accept him. 12 But to all who did accept him and believe in him he gave the right to become children of God. 13 They did not become his children in any human way—by any human parents or human desire. They were born of God.

14 The Word became a human and lived among us. We saw his glory—the glory that belongs to the only Son of the Father—and he was full of grace and truth. 15 John tells the truth about him and cries out, saying, “This is the One I told you about: ‘The One who comes after me is greater than I am, because he was living before me.’”

16 Because he was full of grace and truth, from him we all received one gift after another. 17 The law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God. But God the only Son is very close to the Father,[a] and he has shown us what God is like.

New Century Version (NCV)

The Holy Bible, New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.