Elihu’s Third Speech[a]
Chapter 35
How Does Human Conduct Affect God? 1 Then Elihu continued his speech, saying:
2 “Do you think that you can defend your uprightness
by claiming that you are just before God?
3 For you said: ‘What does it mean to you?
Or what would you gain if I sinned?’
4 I will provide an answer for you
and your three friends as well.
5 “Look up to the skies and see;
observe the clouds towering above you.
6 If you sin, how can that affect God?
And if your offenses are multiplied, how do you hurt him?
7 If you are righteous, what do you give him?
What does he receive from your hand?
8 Your wickedness affects only someone like you,
and your righteousness affects only your fellow men.
No One Asks, “Where Is God?”
9 “People cry out under the weight of oppression;
they cry for help against the power of the mighty.
10 But not one of them asks, ‘Where is God, my Maker,
who protects me during the night,
11 who gave us greater intelligence than the animals of the earth
and made us wiser than the birds of the air?’
12 Although they cry out, God does not answer
because of the pride of the wicked.
13 “But it is foolish to say that God does not hear
or that the Almighty does not pay attention.
14 Even though you do not see him,
he is aware of your plight,
and you must wait for his decision.
15 But now, because God does not grow angry and punish
and because he allows transgressions to go unheeded,
16 Job gives vent to his anger with empty talk
and babbles a stream of utter nonsense.”
Elihu’s Fourth Speech[b]
Chapter 36
God Renders Justice to the Afflicted.[c] 1 Elihu then proceeded further and said:
2 “Be patient a little longer while I instruct you,
for I have more to say on God’s behalf.
3 I will take my knowledge from afar
to support my assertion that my Master is just.
4 I promise that there will be no flaws in my arguments;
I come before you as a man of sound learning.
5 “God is mighty and does not recant;
he is great because of firmness of heart.
6 He does not let the wicked live on in all vigor
and renders justice to the afflicted.
7 He does not withdraw his eyes from the righteous,
but he seats them forever with kings on the throne,
and they are exalted forever.
8 “He will also have sinners fettered with chains
and held fast by the bonds of affliction
9 after having denounced their conduct
and the sins of pride that they have committed.
10 He opens their ears to correction,
commanding them to turn back from their evil ways.
11 “If they obey and once again serve him,
they will live out their days in prosperity,
and their years will pass pleasantly.
12 But if they do not obey him,
they will cross the river of death
and die as a result of their stubbornness.
13 Those whose hearts turn away from God rage against him,
and they do not cry for help when he chains them.
14 They die in the bloom of their youth
after a dissolute life.
15 But God rescues the suffering from their affliction,
employing their distress to instruct them.
16 “He also seeks to snatch you from torment.
When you were enjoying a life of comfort
with abundant riches and plenteous food,
17 you refused to bring the wicked to trial
or to uphold the rights of the orphan.
18 Beware lest abundance cloud your judgment
and that you not be corrupted by lavish gifts.
19 Bring the powerful to justice, not merely the poor,
those who are powerful, not only the weak.
20 “Do not long for the night
when you can drag people away from their homes.
21 Take care not to turn to evil;
that is why you are now being tested by affliction.
God Is Truly Great[d]
22 “Behold, God is exalted in his power.
What teacher can equal him?
23 Who has prescribed the course he should follow?
Who can dare to say to him, ‘You have done wrong’?
24 “Therefore, remember to extol his work
which men have always praised in song.
25 All men can behold it,
admiring it from afar.
26 God is so great that he is beyond our understanding;
the number of his years is past counting.
27 “It is God who draws up drops of water
that he distills as rain to the streams.
28 His rain clouds pour down
and provide abundant water for mankind.
29 “Can anyone fathom how he spreads the clouds
as the carpeting of his tent?
30 Behold how he scatters his lightning
and covers the depths of the sea.
31 This is how he nourishes the nations,
providing food for them in abundance.
32 He holds the lightning in his hands
and commands it to strike the designated mark.
33 His thunder warns us of his coming
as he prepares for combat against iniquity.
Chapter 37
1 “This also causes my heart to tremble
and to leap out of its place.
2 Listen to the thunder of God’s voice
and the rumbling that comes forth from his mouth.
3 He sends it forth across the heavens,
along with his lightning to the ends of the earth.
4 Following this, there comes a roaring sound,
as God thunders with his majestic voice,
and he does not restrain his flashes of lightning
when his voice is heard.
5 “At God’s command marvels come to pass;
he performs wonders beyond our ability to comprehend.
6 For he says to the snow, ‘Fall upon the earth,’
and to the rain shower, ‘Turn into a heavy downpour.’
7 All human activity comes to a standstill
so that everyone may acknowledge his power.
8 Wild beasts return to their lairs
and take shelter in their dens.
9 “The tempest comes out of its chamber,
and the north winds bring bitter cold.
10 By the breath of God[e] ice is formed
and the surface of the waters becomes frozen.
11 He weighs down the thick clouds with moisture,
and they scatter his lightning.
12 Following his command they blow about
over the face of the entire earth
to do whatever he directs.
13 Whether for correction of his people or for love,
he causes all this to happen.
Reflect Upon the Marvelous Works of God
14 “Listen to my words, O Job;
stop and reflect upon the marvelous works of God.
15 Do you know how God controls the clouds,
or how he makes his lightning flash?
16 Do you know how the clouds are balanced,
the wondrous work of the one who is perfect in knowledge?
17 You who swelter in your stifling garments
when the earth lies still under the south wind,
18 can you, like him, spread out the skies,
hard as a mirror of cast metal?[f]
19 “Teach us, then, what we should say to him;
because of ignorance, we cannot present our case.
20 Do my words have any effect on him?
Is he informed of any man’s commands?
21 Sometimes the light vanishes,
and the sky is overcast with clouds;
then the wind comes and sweeps them away.
22 [g]“Out of the north golden splendor comes forth,
and God is surrounded by awesome majesty.
23 But the Almighty we cannot find;
he is unequaled in power and judgment,
and in his righteousness he will not violate justice.
24 Therefore, men revere him,
and all thoughtful men fear him.”
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