Book of Common Prayer
56 1 David being brought to Achish the king of Gath, 1 Sam. 21:12, complaineth of his enemies, demandeth succor, 3 Putteth his trust in God and in his promises, 12 And promiseth to perform his vows which he had taken upon him, whereof this was the effect, to praise God in his Church.
To him that excelleth. A Psalm of David on Michtam, concerning the [a]dumb dove in a far country, when the Philistines took him in Gath.
1 Be merciful unto me, O God, for [b]man would swallow me up: he fighteth continually and vexeth me.
2 Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for many fight against me, O thou most High.
3 When I was afraid, I trusted in thee.
4 I will rejoice in God, because of his [c]word, I trust in God, and will not fear what flesh can do unto me.
5 Mine own [d]words grieve me daily: all their thoughts are against me to do me hurt.
6 [e]They gather together, and keep themselves close: they mark my steps, because they wait for my soul.
7 [f]They think they shall escape by iniquity: O God, cast these people down in thine anger.
8 Thou hast counted my wanderings; put my [g]tears into thy bottle; are they not in thy register?
9 When I cry, then mine enemies shall turn back; this I know, for God is with me.
10 I will rejoice in God because of his word; in the Lord will I rejoice because of his word.
11 In God do I trust; I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.
12 [h]Thy vows are upon me, O God, I will render praises unto thee.
13 For thou hast delivered my soul from death, and also my feet from falling, that I may [i]walk before God in the [j]light of the living.
57 1 David being in the desert of Ziph, where the inhabitants did betray him, and at length in the same cave with Saul, 2 Calleth most earnestly unto God, with full confidence that he will perform his promise, and take his cause in hand. 5 Also that he will show his glory in the heavens and the earth against his cruel enemies. 9 Therefore doth he render laud and praise.
To him that excelleth. [k]Destroy not. A Psalm of David on Michtam. (A)When he fled from Saul in the cave.
1 Have mercy upon me, O God, have mercy upon me; for my soul trusteth in thee, and in the shadow of thy wings will I [l]trust, till these [m]afflictions overpass.
2 I will call unto the most high God, even the God, that [n]performeth his promise toward me.
3 He will send from [o]heaven, and save me from the reproof of him that would swallow me. Selah. God will send his mercy, and his truth.
4 My soul is among lions; I lie among the children of men, that are set on fire; whose teeth are [p]spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.
5 [q]Exalt thyself, O God, above the heaven, and let thy glory be upon all the earth.
6 They have laid a net for my steps; [r]my soul is pressed down, they have dug a pit before me, and are fallen into the midst of it. Selah.
7 Mine heart is [s]prepared, O God, mine heart is prepared; I will sing and give praise.
8 [t]Awake my tongue, awake viol and harp: I will awake early.
9 I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people, and I will sing unto thee among the nations.
10 For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the [u]clouds.
11 Exalt thyself, O God, above the heavens, and let thy glory be upon all the earth.
58 1 He describeth the malice of his enemies, the flatterers of Saul, who both secretly and openly sought his destruction, from whom he appealeth to God’s judgment, 10 Showing that the just shall rejoice, when they see the punishment of the wicked to the glory of God.
To him that excelleth. Destroy not. A Psalm of David on Michtam.
1 Is it true? O [v]congregation, speak ye justly? O sons of men judge ye uprightly?
2 Yea, rather ye imagine mischief in your heart: [w]your hands execute cruelty upon the earth.
3 The wicked [x]are strangers from the womb: even from the belly have they erred, and speak lies.
4 Their poison is even like the poison of a serpent; like the deaf [y]adder that stoppeth his ear.
5 Which heareth not the voice of the enchanter, though he be most expert in charming.
6 Break their [z]teeth, O God, in their mouths: break the jaws of the young lions, O Lord.
7 Let them [aa]melt like the waters, let them pass away; when he shooteth his arrows, let them be as broken.
8 Let them consume like a snail that melteth, and like the untimely fruit of a woman, that hath not seen the sun.
9 [ab]As raw flesh before your pots feel the fire of thorns: so let them carry them away as with a whirlwind in his wrath.
10 The righteous shall [ac]rejoice when he seeth the vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the [ad]blood of the wicked.
11 And men shall say, [ae]Verily there is fruit for the righteous; doubtless there is a God that judgeth in the earth.
64 1 David prayeth against the fury and false reports of his enemies. 7 He declareth their punishment and destruction. 10 To the comfort of the just and the glory of God.
To him that excelleth. A Psalm of David.
1 Hear my [a]voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy.
2 Hide me from the [b]conspiracy of the wicked, and from the [c]rage of the works of iniquity.
3 Which have whet their tongue like a sword, and shot for their arrows [d]bitter words:
4 To shoot at the upright in secret: they shoot at him suddenly and [e]fear not.
5 They [f]encourage themselves in a wicked purpose: they commune together to lay snares privily, and say, Who shall see them?
6 They have sought out iniquities, and have accomplished that which they sought out, even everyone [g]his secret thoughts, and the depth of his heart.
7 But God will shoot an arrow at them suddenly: their strokes shall be at once.
8 They shall cause their own tongue to fall upon them: and whosoever shall see them, shall [h]flee away.
9 And all men shall see it, and declare the work of God, and they shall understand, what he hath wrought.
10 But the righteous [i]shall be glad in the Lord, and trust in him: and all that are upright of heart, shall rejoice.
65 1 A praise and thanksgiving unto God by the faithful, who are signified by Zion, 4 For the choosing, preservation, and governance of them, 9 And for the plentiful blessings poured forth upon all the earth, but especially toward his Church.
To him that excelleth. A Psalm or song of David.
1 O God, [j]praise waiteth for thee in Zion, and unto thee shall the vow be performed.
2 Because thou hearest the prayer, unto thee shall all [k]flesh come.
3 Wicked deeds [l]have prevailed against me: but thou wilt be merciful unto our transgressions.
4 Blessed is he, whom thou choosest and causest to come to thee: he shall dwell in thy courts, and we shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thine House, even of thine holy Temple.
5 O God of our salvation, thou wilt [m]answer us with fearful signs in thy righteousness, O thou the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are far off in the [n]Sea.
6 He establisheth the mountains by his power: and is girded about with strength.
7 He appeaseth the [o]noise of the seas, and the noise of the waves thereof, and the tumults of the people.
8 They also that dwell in the uttermost parts of the earth, shall be afraid of thy signs; thou shalt make [p]the East and the West to rejoice.
9 Thou [q]visitest the earth, and waterest it; thou makest it very rich: the [r]river of God is full of water, thou preparest them corn; for so thou appointest [s]it.
10 Thou [t]waterest abundantly the furrows thereof; thou causest the rain to descend into the valleys thereof; thou makest it soft with showers, and blessest the bud thereof.
11 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness, and thy steps drop fatness.
12 They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness: and the hills shall be compassed with gladness.
13 The pastures are clad with sheep; the valleys also shall be covered with corn; therefore they shout for joy, [u]and sing.
17 Awake, awake, and stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the [a]cup of his wrath: thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling, and wrung them out.
18 There is none to guide her among all her sons, whom she hath brought forth: there is none that taketh her by the hand of all the sons that she hath brought up.
19 These two [b]things are come unto thee: who will lament thee? desolation and destruction and famine, and the sword: by whom shall I comfort thee?
20 Thy sons have fainted, and lie at the head of all the streets as a wild bull in a net, and are full of the wrath of the Lord, and rebuke of thy God.
21 Therefore hear now this, thou miserable and drunken, but [c]not with wine.
22 Thus saith thy Lord God, even God that pleadeth the cause of his people, Behold, I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling, even the dregs of the cup of my wrath: thou shalt drink it no more.
23 But I will put it into their hand that spoil thee, which have said to thy soul, Bow down that we may go over, and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as the streets to them that went over.
4 1 Being delivered from the bondage of the Law, 4 by Christ’s coming, who is the end thereof, 9 it is very absurd to slide back to beggarly ceremonies: 13 He calleth them again therefore to the purity of the doctrine of the Gospel, 21 confirming his discourse with a fine allegory.
1 Then [a]I say, that the heir as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be Lord of all,
2 But is under tutors and governors, [b]until the time appointed of the Father.
3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the [c]rudiments of the world.
4 [d]But when the [e]fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son made of a [f]woman, and made under the Law,
5 That he might redeem them which were under the Law, that we (A)might receive the [g]adoption of the sons.
6 [h]And because ye are sons, God hath [i]sent forth the [j]Spirit of his Son into your hearts, which crieth, Abba, Father.
7 Wherefore, thou art no more a [k]servant, but a son: now if thou be a son, thou art also the [l]heir of God through Christ.
8 [m]But even then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them, which by nature are not gods:
9 But now seeing ye know God, yea, rather are known of God, how turn ye again unto impotent and [n]beggarly rudiments, whereunto as from the beginning ye will be in bondage [o]again?
10 Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
11 I am in fear of you, lest I have bestowed on you labor in vain.
24 ¶ (A)[a]And from thence he rose, and went into the [b]borders of Tyre and Sidon, and entered into an house, and would that no man should have known: but he could not be hid.
25 For a certain woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came, and fell at his feet,
26 (And the woman was a [c]Greek, a [d]Syro-Phoenician by nation) and she besought him that he would cast out the devil out of her daughter.
27 But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be fed: for it is not good to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto [e]whelps.
28 Then she answered, and said unto him, [f]Truth, Lord: yet indeed the whelps eat under the table of the children’s crumbs.
29 Then he said unto her, For this saying go thy way: the devil is gone out of thy daughter.
30 And when she was come home to her house, she found the devil departed, and her daughter lying on the bed.
31 ¶ [g]And he departed again from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, and came unto the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of [h]Decapolis.
32 And they brought unto him one that was deaf and stammered in his speech, and prayed him to put his hand upon him.
33 Then he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers in his ears, and did spit, and touched his tongue.
34 And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and said unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened.
35 And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.
36 And he commanded them that they should tell no man: but how much soever he forbade them, the more a great deal they published it,
37 And were beyond measure astonied, saying, He hath done all things well: (B)He maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.
Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition. Published by Tolle Lege Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles, reviews, and broadcasts.