14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ,(A) you are blessed,(B) for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

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14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.(A) “Do not fear their threats[a]; do not be frightened.”[b](B)

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  1. 1 Peter 3:14 Or fear what they fear
  2. 1 Peter 3:14 Isaiah 8:12

22 Blessed are you when people hate you,
    when they exclude you(A) and insult you(B)
    and reject your name as evil,
        because of the Son of Man.(C)

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12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial(A) because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life(B) that the Lord has promised to those who love him.(C)

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11 “Blessed are you when people insult you,(A) persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.(B)

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16 keeping a clear conscience,(A) so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.(B)

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Blessed are those(A) whose help(B) is the God of Jacob,
    whose hope is in the Lord their God.

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19 For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God.(A) 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.(B)

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10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight(A) in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships,(B) in persecutions,(C) in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.(D)

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21 They will treat you this way because of my name,(A) for they do not know the one who sent me.(B)

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11 As you know, we count as blessed(A) those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance(B) and have seen what the Lord finally brought about.(C) The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.(D)

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45 When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy. They began to contradict what Paul was saying(A) and heaped abuse(B) on him.

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“Hear me, you who know what is right,(A)
    you people who have taken my instruction to heart:(B)
Do not fear the reproach of mere mortals
    or be terrified by their insults.(C)

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51 the taunts with which your enemies, Lord, have mocked,
    with which they have mocked every step of your anointed one.(A)

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15 The company(A) of the prophets from Jericho, who were watching, said, “The spirit(B) of Elijah is resting on Elisha.” And they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him.

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12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds(A) and glorify God(B) on the day he visits us.

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26 He regarded disgrace(A) for the sake of Christ(B) as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.(C)

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10 on the day(A) he comes to be glorified(B) in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you.(C)

11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you,(D) that our God may make you worthy(E) of his calling,(F) and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness(G) and your every deed prompted by faith.(H) 12 We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you,(I) and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.[a]

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  1. 2 Thessalonians 1:12 Or God and Lord, Jesus Christ

24 And they praised God(A) because of me.

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34 To this they replied, “You were steeped in sin at birth;(A) how dare you lecture us!” And they threw him out.(B)

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28 Then they hurled insults at him and said, “You are this fellow’s disciple! We are disciples of Moses!(A)

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Jesus’ Claims About Himself

48 The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan(A) and demon-possessed?”(B)

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47 “You mean he has deceived you also?”(A) the Pharisees retorted. 48 “Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him?(B) 49 No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law—there is a curse on them.”

50 Nicodemus,(C) who had gone to Jesus earlier and who was one of their own number, asked, 51 “Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing?”

52 They replied, “Are you from Galilee, too? Look into it, and you will find that a prophet does not come out of Galilee.”(D)

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16 In the same way, let your light shine before others,(A) that they may see your good deeds(B) and glorify(C) your Father in heaven.

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so that they should live on(A) forever
    and not see decay.(B)

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