Living His Word
1 Peter 2:2 ERV: Like newborn babies hungry for milk, you should want the pure teaching that feeds your spirit. With it you can grow up and be saved.
We can act like adults and we can act like babies. When it comes to the Word of God, our verse for today says that we should act like babies. Indeed, newborn babies. When the Apostle Peter wrote this he must have had Jesus’ words in the back of his mind, “The truth is, you must change your thinking and become like little children. If you don’t do this, you will never enter God’s kingdom” (Matthew 18:3). When it comes to the Word of God, we must accept it on faith without question, like little children, like babies.
The reason why we should act like babies is that the Word of God is pure teaching that feeds our spirits. God’s Word is revelation from God Himself. We should never question God’s veracity, just as little children never question their parent’s veracity. The Word of God is good for us. It feeds us and sustains us. It gives us the proper perspective on life and it helps us to set the proper course for our lives. Without the Word of God to light up our path we are lost souls wandering blindly around in the darkness (Psalm 119:105).
Ironically enough, when we receive the Word of God like children we are turned into full-fledged adults. We grow up when we are fed the Word of God. Instead of acting like undisciplined, unschooled children, we act like adults. We act like people who know what life is all about and who know where they fit in life. The person who has been fed the Word of God and has grown up is a person who has found the way of salvation.
Everyone has a choice to make. When confronted with the Word of God we can act like babies and grow up to be adults who have found salvation or we can act like adults and shrink down to the level of a child who does not know the way of salvation.
We must daily set aside the proud adult in us with all its doubts and questions and humble ourselves like little children before the Word of God that can save us.
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