Case For Christ Bible
How Did Jesus Affirm His Power Over Life and Death?
Jesus performed many stunning miracles during his ministry; resurrecting the dead was among his most astounding. Mark 5 recounts the occasion when Jesus brought a dead child back to life in front of her parents and his three closest disciples (see also Luke 8:49–56).
The fact that the girl was indeed dead is evident from the people’s reaction when Jesus claimed she was only sleeping. Unaware of Jesus’ divine power, they laughed at him, since it was clear to them that she would never “wake up.” Despite their disbelief, Jesus brought the little girl back to life.
God alone holds the power over life and death, thus Jesus’ use of this power provides evidence that he has the same authority as God the Father. Jesus’ resurrection of this little girl highlights his authority, his identity and his power to give life—whether physical or spiritual—to those who believe.