Warren Wiersbe BE Bible Study Series – Trust the Lord for Victory (vv. 7-8).
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Trust the Lord for Victory (vv. 7-8).

Trust the Lord for Victory (vv. 7-8). By depending on the Lord and obeying His directions, David was confident that God would defeat his enemies. “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Eph. 6:10). David’s enemies shot arrows at him suddenly (vv. 3-4), so the Lord suddenly shot arrows at them (v. 7). They tried to trip him and trap him (v. 5), so the Lord caused David’s enemies to stumble and fall (v. 8 ab). God would use their own swordlike tongues to fight against them, and they would end up in shame and disgrace (v. 8). The very weapons that the enemy uses against us, the Lord uses to defeat them.