NIV Exhaustive Concordance Dictionary – houtos
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G4047 οὗτος houtos, p. demo. [1382] [→ 4048, 5496, 5525, 5537, 5542]. this, this one, these; (as object) him, her, it, them; with 1328 or 1650 it means “for this reason”:– this (616), these (206), that (40), he (33), they (28), him (20), therefore (20 [+1328]), them (17), such (16), it (13), she (12), this is how (10 [+1877]), for this reason (9 [+1328]), those (8), that is why (7 [+1328]), what (7), who (6), their (5), the (4), the reason (4 [+1328]), JesusS (3), later (3 [+3552]), so (3), the latterS (3), the reason (3 [+1328]), therefore (3 [+1328]), this is why (3 [+1328]), this very (3), JesusS (2), above all (2 [+4754]), afterward (2 [+3552]), because (2 [+1328]), for that reason (2 [+4123]), for this reason (2 [+5920]), his (2), later (2 [+3552]), one (2), so (2 [+1328]), so (2 [+1328]), so then (2 [+1328]), that is why (2 [+1328]), thisS (2 [+3836, 3364]), very (2), which (2), AndrewS (1), John’s disciplesS (1), JudasS (1), afterward (1 [+3552]), and then (1 [+2083, 3552]), appointedS (1), asS (1), as did (1 [+899]), as follows (1 [+2400, 3836, 5596]), at other times (1 [+1254]), at this (1 [+3306]), at this point (1 [+1254]), both (1 [+2779]), completely healed (1 [+1443, 3836, 3907]), everything (1), finally (1 [+3552]), following (1), for that very reason (1 [+1328]), for the express purpose (1 [+1650, 899]), for this purpose (1 [+1650]), for this reason (1 [+1328]), for this very reason (1 [+1650, 1142]), for this very reason (1 [+899]), for this very reason (1 [+1328]), from then on (1 [+1666]), governingS (1 [+899]), happeningS (1), her (1), here (1 [+1877]), he’s (1), himS (1 [+3836, 476]), in all (1 [+1639]), in comparison with (1 [+1877, 3836, 3538, 1641]), in fact (1 [+1650]), in other words (1 [+1639]), instead (1 [+247, 3437]), itS (1 [+3836, 1155]), just (1), just then (1 [+2093]), last (1), later (1 [+3552]), manS (1), mean (1 [+1639, 3836, 3364]), meanwhile (1 [+1877]), my (1), one moreS (1), other (1 [+3552]), others (1), our (1), prayS (1 [+4472]), preachS (1 [+4556]), present (1), reason (1 [+1650]), sacrificedS (1 [+4472]), same (1), so (1 [+1877]), so doingS (1), so favoredS (1), some (1), some time after this (1 [+3552]), some time ago (1 [+4574, 3836, 2465]), some time ago (1 [+4574, 3836, 2465]), some time later (1 [+3552]), sometimes (1 [+3525]), that (1 [+1877]), that was why (1 [+1328]), that was why (1 [+1328]), the Berean JewsS (1), the following (1), the proconsulS (1), the reason (1 [+5920]), the same (1), the situationS (1), the womenS (1), thereS (1 [+1877, 3836, 4484]), these things (1), thing (1), things (1), thisS (1 [+3836, 2240]), thisS (1 [+3836, 2465]), thisS (1 [+3836, 4839]), thisS (1 [+3836, 2465]), thisS (1 [+3836, 3364]), this is how (1 [+1877]), this is the reason (1 [+1650]), this is why (1 [+1328, 1142]), this makes (1 [+1877]), this same (1), this way (1 [+4246]), thus (1 [+1877]), to (1 [+1650]), told (1 [+550, 3836, 3364]), what (1 [+5515, 323]), what I meantS (1 [+4309]), what Paul saidS (1), what happened (1), what is more (1 [+5250, 4246]), whoS (1 [+3836, 476]), with that (1 [+3306]), with this (1 [+3306]), yes tonight (1 [+3836, 3816]), you (1), NDT (143)