Dictionary of Bible Themes – 2027 Jesus Christ, grace and mercy of
Resources chevron-right Dictionary of Bible Themes chevron-right 2000 Jesus Christ chevron-right 2003 Jesus Christ, qualities of chevron-right 2006 God, the Son chevron-right 2027 Jesus Christ, grace and mercy of
2027 Jesus Christ, grace and mercy of

2027 Jesus Christ, grace and mercy of

The qualities of Jesus Christ by which he is compassionate, accepting and generous. In his ministry, Christ demonstrates these qualities towards those whom he encounters. Believers should model themselves upon Jesus Christ in this respect.

The grace and mercy of God made known in Jesus Christ

Jn 1:14,16-17 See also Lk 2:40,52; 2Co 8:9; Tit 2:11 Jesus Christ shows the grace of God in his life.

Grace and mercy in the ministry of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ responds to pleas for mercy Mt 9:27-30 See also Mt 15:22; Mt 20:29-34 pp Mk 10:46-52 pp Lk 18:35-42

His teaching reflects his grace and mercy Lk 6:35-36 See also Hos 6:6; Mt 6:12-15 pp Lk 11:4; Mt 9:10-13 pp Mk 2:15-17 pp Lk 5:29-32; Mt 18:21-35 the parable of the unmerciful servant; Lk 10:30-37 the parable of the good Samaritan; Eph 4:32

Grace and mercy in relation to salvation

The grace of Jesus Christ Ac 15:11 See also Ro 3:24; Ro 5:15; Eph 2:4-5,8; 2Ti 1:9

The mercy of Jesus Christ Lk 23:34 See also Mt 9:2 pp Mk 2:3-5 pp Lk 5:18-20; Lk 7:37-38,48; Ro 5:6,15; 1Ti 1:13-14 Paul speaks about his persecution of the Christians prior to his conversion experience.

Eternal life is a gift of grace and mercy Ro 5:21 See also Ro 6:23; Tit 3:7

The grace and mercy of Jesus Christ and the Christian life

The need to rely upon the grace of Jesus Christ 2Co 12:9; 2Ti 2:1 See also Eph 4:7; 2Pe 3:18; Heb 4:16

Prayers for the grace of Jesus Christ Ro 1:7 See also Ro 16:20; 1Co 16:23; Gal 1:3; Gal 6:18; Eph 6:24; Php 4:23; 2Jn 3; Rev 22:21

See also

1055God, grace & mercy
1352covenant, the new
2015Christ, compassion
2048Christ, love of
2324Christ as Saviour
2351Christ, miracles
6644eternal life
6668grace & Christ
6689mercy of Christ

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