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The historical appendix formally concludes the book, though the words and deeds of Jeremiah end with 51:64. This historical section, for the most part, is a reiteration of the events narrated in 2Ki 24:18-25:30. This chapter accomplishes three goals: first, it testifies to the authenticity of Jeremiah as a true prophet and to the truthfulness and the power of the prophetic word. Second, the fall of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, and the deportation of the Jews are presented here as the consequence of Yahweh’s anger (52:3). Third, the concluding report about the release of King Jehoiachin from prison (52:31-34) gives a clear hint that the promise of the restoration of the exiled Jews in Babylon is about to be fulfilled. It is only fitting that this book, which begins with a word of judgment (1:14-16), end with a note of hope to those who experience God’s judgment. After all, the ultimate goal of the prophetic word is to announce to those who live in despair the reality of God’s grace, which offers to them a future and a hope. This is the good news we find in the book of Jeremiah.