Dictionary of Bible Themes – 7382 house of God
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7382 house of God

7382 house of God

The place where God was seen to dwell with his people, initially the tabernacle and subsequently the temple at Jerusalem.

Early references to the house of God

Ge 28:16-17 “house of God” was first used by Jacob to commemorate the place where he met with God; Ge 28:19 “Bethel” means “house of God”. See also Ge 28:22

The tabernacle as the house of God

The tabernacle was referred to as such before its construction Ex 23:19 See also Ex 34:26

In the wilderness God said he would dwell with his people in the tabernacle Ex 25:8-9

God’s presence came and dwelt in the tabernacle when it was completed Ex 40:33-34 See also Ex 40:35-38

The temple as the permanent house of God

David’s desire to build the Lord a permanent house 2Sa 7:1-2

This was not the Lord’s will for David 2Sa 7:5-7,12-13 See also Ac 7:45-47

Solomon builds the temple in Jersualem 1Ki 5:4-5; 1Ki 6:1-2

God’s presence dwelt there but was conditional upon the faithfulness of the people 1Ki 8:10-13 pp 2Ch 5:11-6:2 See also 1Ki 9:6-9

Zerubbabel’s temple referred to as the house of God

Ezr 1:5 The returning exiles begin rebuilding the temple: Ezr 2:68; Ezr 3:8-9,11; Ezr 4:24; Ezr 5:2,13,16-17 Ezra’s reforms: Ezr 10:1,6,9
Ne 6:10; Ne 8:16; Ne 10:32,34-38; Ne 11:11,22; Ne 12:40 Nehemiah’s reforms: Ne 13:9,11,14

Other names given to the house of God

Sanctuary Ex 25:8

House of prayer Mt 21:13 pp Mk 11:17 pp Lk 19:46; Isa 56:7

God’s dwelling-place Ac 7:45-47

The need for due reverence in worship

Ecc 5:1

The house of God under the new covenant

In the hearts of God’s people 1Co 3:16; Gal 4:6 See also Ac 7:48; Ac 17:24; 1Co 6:19; 2Co 1:22; 2Co 6:16; Eph 3:17

In the church, the body of Christ Heb 3:6 See also Eph 2:19-22; 1Pe 2:4-5

See also

1065God, holiness of
3278Holy Spirit, indwelling
5015heart & Holy Spirit
6641election, responsibilities
7140people of God
7271Zion, as symbol
7459tabernacle, in OT
7467temple, Solomon’s
8626worship, places

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