Dictionary of Bible Themes – 2315 Jesus Christ, as Lamb
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2315 Jesus Christ, as Lamb

2315 Jesus Christ, as Lamb

Jesus Christ is referred to as the “Lamb of God”. This symbol points to Christ being a perfect sacrifice for sin. It also conveys his meekness and his willingness to submit to suffering and death.

The imagery of the lamb

An image of innocence and attraction Isa 11:6 See also Lev 23:12; 2Sa 12:3

An image of submissiveness and vulnerability Jer 11:19 See also Isa 40:11; Lk 10:3; Jn 21:15

An image of quiet suffering Isa 53:7

An image of sacrifice Ex 29:38 “each day” here refers to the seven-day period of the consecration of priests. See also Ex 12:27; Lev 3:7; Lev 4:32; Lev 14:13; Eze 46:13; Mk 14:12 pp Lk 22:7

Jesus Christ is likened to a lamb

Jn 1:36 See also Jn 1:29; 1Co 5:7; 1Pe 1:19; Rev 5:6

The symbolism of the lamb applies to Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is innocent and draws people to himself Lk 23:41 See also Jn 12:32; Heb 4:15; Heb 7:26; 1Pe 2:22; Isa 53:9

Jesus Christ was submissive and vulnerable Mt 26:38-39 pp Mk 14:35-36 pp Lk 22:41-42 See also Jn 3:27; 1Co 1:27; Php 2:7-8; Heb 4:15

Jesus Christ suffered quietly Mt 27:28-31 pp Mk 15:17-20 See also Mt 26:62-63 pp Mk 14:60-61; Mt 27:12-14 pp Mk 15:3-5; Lk 23:8-11; Jn 19:2-3; Ac 8:32-35; Isa 53:7-8; 1Pe 2:23

Jesus Christ is seen as a sacrifice 1Pe 1:18-19 See also Ge 22:8; Ex 13:13; Isa 53:4-6,10-11; Jn 1:29; 1Co 5:7; Rev 12:11; Rev 13:8

Jesus Christ as the glorious Lamb in the book of Revelation

The Lamb is worthy Rev 5:8-12 See also Rev 7:9-10; Rev 15:3

The Lamb is upon the throne Rev 17:14 See also Rev 5:6; Rev 7:17; Rev 22:1-3

The Lamb will execute judgment Rev 6:16 See also Rev 6:1-3; Rev 14:10

The Lamb is the bridegroom of the church Rev 19:7-9 See also Rev 21:9

See also

2009Christ, anger of
2024Christ, glory of
2063Christ, perfection
2075Christ, sinless
2570Christ, suffering
6027sin, remedy for
7317blood of Christ
7436sacrifice, NT fulfilment