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Revised Common Lectionary (Complementary)

Daily Bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched Old and New Testament readings.
Duration: 1245 days
New Century Version (NCV)
Psalm 90

God Is Eternal, and We Are Not

A prayer of Moses, the man of God.

90 Lord, you have been our home
    since the beginning.
Before the mountains were born
    and before you created the earth and the world,
you are God.
    You have always been, and you will always be.

You turn people back into dust.
    You say, “Go back into dust, human beings.”
To you, a thousand years
    is like the passing of a day,
    or like a few hours in the night.
While people sleep, you take their lives.
    They are like grass that grows up in the morning.
In the morning they are fresh and new,
    but by evening they dry up and die.

We are destroyed by your anger;
    we are terrified by your hot anger.
You have put the evil we have done right in front of you;
    you clearly see our secret sins.
All our days pass while you are angry.
    Our years end with a moan.
10 Our lifetime is seventy years
    or, if we are strong, eighty years.
But the years are full of hard work and pain.
    They pass quickly, and then we are gone.

11 Who knows the full power of your anger?
    Your anger is as great as our fear of you should be.
12 Teach us how short our lives really are
    so that we may be wise.

13 Lord, how long before you return
    and show kindness to your servants?
14 Fill us with your love every morning.
    Then we will sing and rejoice all our lives.
15 We have seen years of trouble.
    Now give us as much joy as you gave us sorrow.
16 Show your servants the wonderful things you do;
    show your greatness to their children.
17 Lord our God, treat us well.
    Give us success in what we do;
    yes, give us success in what we do.

Numbers 17:1-11

Aaron’s Walking Stick Buds

17 The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the people of Israel and get twelve walking sticks from them—one from the leader of each tribe. Write the name of each man on his stick, and on the stick from Levi, write Aaron’s name. There must be one stick for the head of each tribe. Put them in the Meeting Tent in front of the Ark of the Agreement, where I meet with you. I will choose one man whose walking stick will begin to grow leaves; in this way I will stop the Israelites from always complaining against you.”

So Moses spoke to the Israelites. Each of the twelve leaders gave him a walking stick—one from each tribe—and Aaron’s walking stick was among them. Moses put them before the Lord in the Tent of the Agreement.

The next day, when Moses entered the Tent, he saw that Aaron’s stick (which stood for the family of Levi) had grown leaves. It had even budded, blossomed, and produced almonds. So Moses brought out to the Israelites all the walking sticks from the Lord’s presence. They all looked, and each man took back his stick.

10 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Put Aaron’s walking stick back in front of the Ark of the Agreement. It will remind these people who are always turning against me to stop their complaining against me so they won’t die.” 11 So Moses obeyed what the Lord commanded him.

2 Peter 3

Jesus Will Come Again

My friends, this is the second letter I have written you to help your honest minds remember. I want you to think about the words the holy prophets spoke in the past, and remember the command our Lord and Savior gave us through your apostles. It is most important for you to understand what will happen in the last days. People will laugh at you. They will live doing the evil things they want to do. They will say, “Jesus promised to come again. Where is he? Our fathers have died, but the world continues the way it has been since it was made.” But they do not want to remember what happened long ago. By the word of God heaven was made, and the earth was made from water and with water. Then the world was flooded and destroyed with water. And that same word of God is keeping heaven and earth that we now have in order to be destroyed by fire. They are being kept for the Judgment Day and the destruction of all who are against God.

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: To the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. The Lord is not slow in doing what he promised—the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but he wants all people to change their hearts and lives.

10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The skies will disappear with a loud noise. Everything in them will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be exposed.[a] 11 In that way everything will be destroyed. So what kind of people should you be? You should live holy lives and serve God, 12 as you wait for and look forward to the coming of the day of God. When that day comes, the skies will be destroyed with fire, and everything in them will melt with heat. 13 But God made a promise to us, and we are waiting for a new heaven and a new earth where goodness lives.

14 Dear friends, since you are waiting for this to happen, do your best to be without sin and without fault. Try to be at peace with God. 15 Remember that we are saved because our Lord is patient. Our dear brother Paul told you the same thing when he wrote to you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes about this in all his letters. Some things in Paul’s letters are hard to understand, and people who are ignorant and weak in faith explain these things falsely. They also falsely explain the other Scriptures, but they are destroying themselves by doing this.

17 Dear friends, since you already know about this, be careful. Do not let those evil people lead you away by the wrong they do. Be careful so you will not fall from your strong faith. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory be to him now and forever! Amen.

New Century Version (NCV)

The Holy Bible, New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.