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Daily Reading for Personal Growth, 40 Days with God

40 daily Scripture readings that illustrate the character of God and the nature of faith.
Duration: 40 days
Expanded Bible (EXB)
Colossians 3:1-11

Your New Life in Christ

[L Therefore] Since you were ·raised from the dead [L raised] with Christ, ·aim at [aspire to; seek after; focus on] ·what is in heaven [L the things above], where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. ·Think only about [Set your minds on; Fix your thoughts on] the things ·in heaven [L above], not the things on earth. [L For] ·Your old sinful self has [L You] died, and your new life is ·kept [hidden] with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your[a] life, ·comes again [appears; L is revealed], you will ·share in his [L be revealed with him in] glory.

So put all ·evil [earthly; worldly] things ·out of your life [L to death]: sexual sinning, ·doing evil [impurity; defilement], ·letting evil thoughts control you [lust; passion], ·wanting things that are evil [selfish desires], and greed, which is ·serving a false god [idolatry]. Because of these things, God’s ·judgment [anger; wrath] is coming.[b] You also used to ·do these things [live/walk this way] when you were ·part of the world [L living among/in them].

But now also put these things out of your life: anger, ·bad temper [rage], ·hatred [malice; evil], ·saying things to hurt others [slander; blasphemy], and ·using evil words [abusive/filthy/obscene language] ·when you talk [L from your mouth]. Do not lie to each other. You have ·left [taken/stripped off; or disarmed; 2:15] your old ·sinful life [self; person; man] and ·the things you did before [L its deeds/practices]. 10 You have ·begun to live the new life [L put on the new person/man], in which you are being ·made new [renewed] in ·the true knowledge of God [L knowledge] ·and are becoming like [L according to the image of] the One who created you [Gen. 1:26–27]. 11 In the new life there is no difference between Greeks and Jews, those who are circumcised and those who are not circumcised, or ·people who are foreigners [barbarians], or Scythians [C from the northern coast of the Black Sea, considered uncivilized and violent]. There is no difference between slaves and free people. But Christ is ·all that is important and is in all believers [L all and in all].

Expanded Bible (EXB)

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