62 topical index results for “take cross follow”
ALEXANDER : Son of Simon who bore the cross of Jesus (Mark 15:21)AMMONITES : Solomon takes wives from (1 Kings 11:1; 2 Chronicles 12:13; Nehemiah 13:26)CRUCIFIXION : See CROSSDISCIPLE : A name given to the followers of any teacherDISCIPLE : The seventy (better mss. have "seventy-two") followers of Jesus are sent forth (Luke 10:1)ELIM : Second camp of the Israelites after crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 15:27; Numbers 33:9)GATH : David takes refuge at (1 Samuel 21:10-15;27:2-7)GESHUR : Absalom takes refuge in, after the murder of Amnon (1 Samuel 1:3)HACHILAH : A hill in Judah where David and his followers hid from Saul (1 Samuel 23:19;26:3)HYSSOP : Used in giving Jesus vinegar on the cross ( 1 John 19:29)JORDAN : Crossed by a ferry boat (1 Samuel 19:18)KIDRON : Jesus crossed, on the night of his agony ( 1 John 18:1)MOABITES : David takes refuge among, from Saul (1 Samuel 22:3,4)MOSES : Takes the life of an Egyptian taskmaster; flees from Egypt; finds refuge among the Midianites (Exodus 2:11-22; Acts 7:24-29)MOSES : Crosses the Red Sea; Pharaoh and his army are destroyed (Exodus 14)MYRRH : Offered to Jesus on the cross (Mark 15:23)OATH : Elisha seals his vow to follow Elijah by (2 Kings 2:2)PARAN : David takes refuge in (2 Samuel 25:1)PAUL : Persecuted by Jews, drawn before the deputy, charged with wicked lewdness; accusation dismissed; takes his leave after many days, and sails to Syria, accompanied by Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:12-18)PAUL : Visits Ephesus, where he leaves Aquila and Priscilla; enters into a synagogue, where he reasons with the Jews; starts on his return trip to Jerusalem; visits Caesarea; crosses over the country of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening the disciples (Acts 18:18-23)PILLAR : By Joshua, the crossing of the Jordan River (Joshua 4:1-9; with Deuteronomy 27:2-6; Joshua 8:30)RECREATION (REST) : Jesus takes, from the pressures of his ministry (Mark 6:31,32;7:24)RED SEA : Israelites cross; Pharaoh and his army drowned in (Exodus 14;15:1,4,11,19; Numbers 33:8; Deuteronomy 11:4; Joshua 2:10;)SABBATIC YEAR : Punishment to follow violation of the ordinances concerning (Leviticus 26:34,35; with26:32-41; Jeremiah 34:12-22)SELF-DENIAL : See CROSS