181 Bible results for “fear” from 
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  1. If the fearsome God worshiped by Abraham and my father Isaac had not been on my side, you would have sent me away without a thing. But God saw my hard work, and he knew the trouble I was in, so he helped me. Then last night he told you how wrong you were.
  2. My father Nahor, your grandfather Abraham, and their ancestors all worshiped the same God, and he will make sure that we each keep the agreement. Then Jacob made a promise in the name of the fearsome God his father Isaac had worshiped.
  3. “Here's my money!” he told his brothers. “Right here in my sack.” They were trembling with fear as they stared at one another and asked themselves, “What has God done to us?”
  4. But even though the Israelites were mistreated, their families grew larger, and they took over more land. Because of this, the Egyptians feared them worse than before
  5. But I am certain that neither you nor your officials really fear the Lord God.”
  6. Our Lord, no other gods compare with you— Majestic and holy! Fearsome and glorious! Miracle worker!
  7. struck down by fear. Our Lord, your powerful arm kept them still as a rock until the people you rescued to be your very own had marched by.
  8. The Lord Comes to Mount Sinai

    On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning. A thick cloud covered the mountain, a loud trumpet blast was heard, and everyone in camp trembled with fear.
  9. The People Are Afraid

    (Deuteronomy 5.23-33)

    The people trembled with fear when they heard the thunder and the trumpet and saw the lightning and the smoke coming from the mountain. They stood a long way off
  10. A Promise and Its Demands

    (Exodus 23.14-19; Deuteronomy 7.1-5; 16.1-17)

    The Lord said: I promise to perform miracles for you that have never been seen anywhere on earth. Neighboring nations will stand in fear and know that I was the one who did these marvelous things.
  11. I command you to show respect for older people and to obey me with fear and trembling.
  12. I will bless your country with peace, and you will rest without fear. I will wipe out the dangerous animals and protect you from enemy attacks.
  13. Today I will start making all other nations afraid of you. They will tremble with fear when anyone mentions you, and they will be terrified when you show up.
  14. I wish they would always worship me with fear and trembling and be this willing to obey me! Then they and their children would always enjoy a successful life.
  15. Worship and obey the Lord your God with fear and trembling, and promise that you will be loyal to him.
  16. That's why the Lord our God demands that we obey his laws and worship him with fear and trembling. And if we do, he will protect us and help us be successful.
  17. You saw how the Lord used his tremendous power to work great miracles and bring you out of Egypt. And he will again work miracles for you when you face these enemies you fear so much.
  18. So don't be frightened when you meet them in battle. The Lord your God is great and fearsome, and he will fight at your side.
  19. Obey the commands the Lord your God has given you and worship him with fear and trembling.
  20. The Lord your God is more powerful than all other gods and lords, and his tremendous power is to be feared. His decisions are always fair, and you cannot bribe him to change his mind.
  21. You must be completely faithful to the Lord. Worship and obey only the Lord and do this with fear and trembling,
  22. Each day the king must read and obey these laws, so that he will learn to worship the Lord with fear and trembling
  23. You will live in constant fear of death.
  24. Everyone must come—men, women, children, and even the foreigners who live in your towns. And each new generation will listen and learn to worship the Lord their God with fear and trembling and to do exactly what is said in God's Law.
  25. The Lord has rescued you and given you more blessings than any other nation. He protects you like a shield and is your majestic sword. Your enemies will bow in fear, and you will trample on their backs.
Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society For more information about CEV, visit www.bibles.com and www.cev.bible.

27 topical index results for “fear”

KNOWLEDGE : The fear (reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of (Proverbs 1:7)
SYMBOLS AND SIMILITUDES : Eating and drinking in fear (Ezekiel 12:18)
SYNAGOGUE : Primarily an assembly of Jews and God-fearers (Acts 13:43)
COWARDICE » INSTANCES OF » Samuel, fearing to obey God's command to anoint a king in Saul's place (1 Samuel 16:2)
COWARDICE » INSTANCES OF » Pilate, in condemning Jesus, through fear of the people ( 1 John 19:12-16)
MOSES » CHARACTER OF » Respected and feared (Exodus 33:8)
OPINION, PUBLIC » Feared by » Rulers, who believed in Jesus, but feared the Pharisees ( John 12:42,43)
OPINION, PUBLIC » Feared by » Chief preists, who feared to further persecute the disciples (Acts 4:21;5:26)