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New International Version (NIV)

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38 topical index results for “퍼블릭술집↘ 최저가 Ò1Ò〈⑻⑷89〉83Ò⑥ ↗ 퍼블릭사이즈㏁ ↘ 최저가 Ò1Ò〈⑻⑷89〉83Ò⑥ ↗ 퍼블릭룸background강남퍼블릭셔츠룸퍼블릭강남퍼블릭represent 강남퍼블릭℃α퍼블릭사이즈save”

ABISHAI : Saves David from being slain by a Philistine (2 Samuel 21:17)
ALLEGORY : Messiah's kingdom represented under, of the wolf and the lamb dwelling together (Isaiah 11:6-8)
CAESAREA : Paul conveyed to, by the disciples to save him from his enemies (Acts 9:30)
COVENANT : Binding, not only on those who make them, but on those who are represented (Deuteronomy 29:14,15)
SATYR : A mythological creature, represented as half-man and half-goat (Leviticus 17:7)
SETHUR : The representative of Asher among the twelve spies sent into Canaan (Numbers 13:13)
SHAMMUA : The representative of the tribe of Reuben among the twelve spies sent into Canaan (Numbers 13:4)
SHAPHAT : The representative of the tribe of Simeon among the spies sent into Canaan (Numbers 13:5)
SHIPHTAN : Father of the representative of Ephraim who was on the committee which divided up the promised land among the Israelites (Numbers 34:24)
ZORAH : Representatives of the tribe of Dan sent from, to spy out the land with a view to its conquest (Judges 18)
CHAMPIONSHIP » INSTANCES OF » Representatives of the Philistines land David's armies (2 Samuel 21:15-22)
COURAGE » INSTANCES OF PERSONAL BRAVERY » Esther, in going to the king to save her people (Esther 4:8,16;;;)
CURIOSITY » INSTANCES OF » A disciple, to know if few would be saved (Luke 13:23)
DECEPTION » INSTANCES OF » In representing to their father that Joseph had been destroyed by wild beasts (Genesis 37:29-35)
FALSEHOOD » INSTANCES OF » Michal, in the false statement that David was sick, in order to save him from Saul's violence (1 Samuel 19:12-17)
FALSEHOOD » INSTANCES OF » The wife of the Bahurimite who saved the lives of Hushai's messengers, sent to apprise David of the movements of Absalom's army (1 Samuel 17:15-22)
ISAIAH » PROPHECIES, REPROOFS, AND EXHORTATIONS OF » The judgments upon the land, but that a remnant of the Jews would be saved (Isaiah 25;;)
ISAIAH » PROPHECIES, REPROOFS, AND EXHORTATIONS OF » Declares the glory of God upon the remnant who are saved (Isaiah 28:5,6)
ISRAEL, PROPHECIES CONCERNING » CAPTIVITY OF » Are saved by Esther (Esther 4;;;;;)