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  • Use fewer words in your search, especially if you’re unsure of the exact phrase. For example, “baptizing name Father” and “baptizing them in the name of the Father” will both return Matthew 28:19; however, the latter leaves a greater chance for spelling and syntax errors.
  • Retry your search in another translation.

New Catholic Bible (NCB)

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276 topical index results for “파워볼분석▶▷텔레그램ID bigpro114◁◀신안파워볼▷파워볼분석◁파워볼사다리▶파워볼분석◀신안파워볼 실시간파워볼”

AHIJAH : A priest in Shiloh, probably identical with Ahimelech, mentioned in (2 Samuel 22:11)
ALMON-DIBLATHAIM : Probably identical with Beth-diblathairn (Jeremiah 48:22)
AMARIAH : A returned exile. Divorces his idolatrous wife (Ezra 10:42)
ARIEL : A messenger from Ezra to Iddo (Ezra 8:16)
ASHTORETH : An idol of the Philistines, Zidonians, and Phenicians. Probably identical with queen of heaven (Jeremiah 7:18)
ASSYRIA : Idols of