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New International Version (NIV)

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27 topical index results for “선릉셔츠룸∇ 최저가 Ò1Ò《⑤⑦93》74⑸⑻ ∇아이디셔츠룸㎙ ∇ 최저가 Ò1Ò《⑤⑦93》74⑸⑻ ∇ 아이디셔츠룸telephone강남셔츠룸아이디셔츠룸아이디셔츠룸hour 강남셔츠룸 Π†강남셔츠룸table”

LEVITES : The remaining families appointed to take charge of the ark of the covenant, table, lampstand, altars, and vessels of the sanctuary, the hangings, and all the service (Numbers 3:27-32;4:2-15)
PERFUME : Smelling bottles, translated "tablets" in A. V (Isaiah 3:20)
SHEWBREAD (SHOWBREAD) : Placed on the Table of Shewbread (see TABLE OF, below.) (Exodus 40:22,23)
TERAPHIM : Used by Laban, stolen by Rachael (equivalent to a deed to all of Laban's property, according to the Nuzi tablets) (Genesis 31:19,30-35)
ISRAEL » (Usually, in lists, the names of Levi and Joseph, » Moses' indignation; breaks the tables of stone; enters the camp; commands the Levites; three thousand die (Exodus 32:19-35)
ISRAEL » (Usually, in lists, the names of Levi and Joseph, » Tables renewed (Exodus 34)
LAW » (Contained in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numb » See TABLES
PRIEST » (The function he served was superior to that of ot » To place shewbread on the table every Sabbath (Leviticus 24:8)