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New International Version (NIV)

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17 topical index results for “《예약번호OIOX8489X83O6》텐블릭%ㅁprey텐블릭ㅖ하이퍼블릭뜻하이퍼블릭mЛ하이퍼블릭스토리throw 텐블릭ま하이퍼블릭τнtemperament”

PALM TREE : Branches of, thrown in the path when Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem ( John 12:13)
SALT : Elisha throws, into the pool of Jericho, to purify it (2 Kings 2:20,21)
SYMBOLS AND SIMILITUDES : The book thrown into the Euphrates River (Jeremiah 51:63)
JOSEPH » Son of Jacob » Is falsely accused, and thrown into prison; is delivered by the friendship of another prisoner (Genesis 39;; Psalms 105:18)
MIRACLES » CATALOGUE OF » The sea was calmed when Jonah was thrown into it (Jonah 1:15)
MISHAEL » Also called MESHACH » Thrown into the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:13-30)
VISION » Of John on the island of Patmos » The mountain that was thrown into the sea (Revelation 8:8,9)
WICKED (PEOPLE) » Compared with » Lions greedy of prey (Psalms 17:12)