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New International Version (NIV)

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35 topical index results for “[Ò1Ò《⑤⑦93》74⑸⑻]셔츠룸시스템ㅰ [Ò1Ò《⑤⑦93》74⑸⑻] ①structure셔츠룸혼자Ŋ강남셔츠룸강남셔츠룸χゾ셔츠룸시스템selected 셔츠룸혼자▼셔츠룸혼자ぼбlong”

ANTEDILUVIANS : Longevity of
APOSTLES : A title distinguishing the twelve disciples, whom Jesus selected to be intimately associated with himself (Luke 6:13)
INSTRUCTION : Lying on one side in public view for a long period (Ezekiel 4:4-8)
SILVANUS : (The long form of the name)
WORSHIP : Jesus prays all night long (Luke 6:12)
GOD » SYMBOLIZED » By the general structure of the Most Holy Place, see (Leviticus 16:2)
ISAIAH » PROPHECIES, REPROOFS, AND EXHORTATIONS OF » Declares the goodness and longsuffering of God toward them (Isaiah 30:18-26;;;;)
POWER » OF GOD » Saints long for exhibitions of (Psalms 63:1,2)