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От Марка 1

Иоанн Креститель готовит путь Иисусу

Вот начало Радостной Вести об Иисусе Христе, Сыне Бога. Как написано у пророка Исаии: «Вот, Я посылаю перед Тобой Моего вестника, который приготовит Тебе путь». «Голос раздается в пустыне: „Приготовьте путь Господу, сделайте прямыми дороги Его!“» ...

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  • Double-check spelling, especially people and place names.
  • Make sure there are spaces between words. Bible Gateway treats “nameoftheFather” and “name of the Father” differently.
  • Use fewer words in your search, especially if you’re unsure of the exact phrase. For example, “baptizing name Father” and “baptizing them in the name of the Father” will both return Matthew 28:19; however, the latter leaves a greater chance for spelling and syntax errors.
  • Retry your search in another translation.

New Russian Translation (NRT)

Holy Bible, New Russian Translation (Новый Перевод на Русский Язык) Copyright © 2006 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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24 topical index results for “Mark”

JOHN » Whose surname was Mark
GELILOTH : A place mentioned, as marking the boundary of the tribe of Benjamin (Joshua 18:17)
PAUL : John (Mark), a companion of, departs for Jerusalem (Acts 13:13)
BURIAL » BURYING PLACES » Marked with pillars, Rachel's (Genesis 35:20)
JOHN » Whose surname was Mark » See MARK
MINISTER, Christian » Sent forth in teams of two » Barnabas and Mark (Acts 15:37,39)
SERVANT » HIRED » Await employment in the marketplace (Matthew 20:1-3)
STRIFE » INSTANCES OF » Paul and Barnabas, about Mark (Acts 15:38,39)
VISION » Of John on the island of Patmos » The plague upon the men who had the mark of the beast (Revelation 16:2)