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131 topical index results for “do unto others”

BETHANY : The colt of a donkey upon which Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, obtained at (Mark 11:1-11)
DOG (SODOMITE?) : Shepherd dogs (Job 30:1)
DOOR : Doors of the temple made of two leaves, cherubim and flowers carved upon, covered with gold (1 Kings 6:31-35)
ELISHA : Witnesses Elijah's transporting, receives a double portion of his spirit (1 Kings 2:1-15;3:11)
ELKANAH : A doorkeeper for the ark, perhaps identical with number six above (1 Chronicles 15:23)
ERRORS : (In teachers and doctrines)
HYSSOP : The Israelites used, in sprinkling the blood of the paschal lamb upon the lintels of their doors (Exodus 12:22)