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  1. The Baptism and Testing of Jesus

    At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
  2. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
  3. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them.
  4. But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them, and on that day they will fast.
  5. Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

    Another time Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there.
  6. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”
  7. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.
  8. Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”
  9. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”
  10. Finally the opportune time came. On his birthday Herod gave a banquet for his high officials and military commanders and the leading men of Galilee.
  11. By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him. “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it’s already very late.
  12. When they come from the marketplace they do not eat unless they wash. And they observe many other traditions, such as the washing of cups, pitchers and kettles.)
  13. Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”
  14. Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time

    They left that place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were,
  15. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
  16. will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.
  17. Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time

    They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid. Again he took the Twelve aside and told them what was going to happen to him.
  18. At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants to collect from them some of the fruit of the vineyard.
  19. The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times

    As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!”
  20. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
  21. Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.
  22. At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it.
  23. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.
  24. “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
  25. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.
New International Version (NIV)

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

4,638 topical index results for “for OR such OR a OR time OR as OR this”

AARON : Judges Israel in the absence of Moses (Exodus 24:14)
ABI-ALBON : Also called ABIEL
ABIB : Israelites arrive at the wilderness of Zin in (Numbers 20:1)
ABIJAM : Also called ABIJAH and ABIA
ABINADAB : Father of one of Solomon's purveyors. Called in R. V. Ben-Abinadab (1 Kings 4:11)