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Praise the Lord for All He Has Done

Shout praises to the Lord!
    With all my heart
I will thank the Lord
    when his people meet.
The Lord has done
    many wonderful things!
Everyone who is pleased
with God's marvelous deeds
    will keep them in mind.
Everything the Lord does
    is glorious and majestic,
and his power to bring justice
    will never end.

The Lord God is famous
for his wonderful deeds,
    and he is kind and merciful.
He gives food to his worshipers
and always keeps his agreement
    with them.
He has shown his mighty power
    to his people
and has given them the lands
    of other nations.

God is always honest and fair,
    and his laws can be trusted.
They are true and right
    and will stand forever.
God rescued his people,
    and he will never break
his agreement with them.
    He is fearsome and holy.

10 (A) Respect and obey the Lord!
This is the first step
    to wisdom and good sense.[a]
God will always be respected.

God Blesses His Worshipers

Shout praises to the Lord!
    The Lord blesses everyone
who worships him and gladly
    obeys his teachings.
Their descendants will have
    great power in the land,
because the Lord blesses
    all who do right.
They will get rich and prosper
and will always be remembered
    for their fairness.
They will be so kind
    and merciful and good,
that they will be a light
in the dark for others
    who do the right thing.

Life will go well for those
who freely lend
    and are honest in business.
They won't ever be troubled,
and the kind things they do
    will never be forgotten.
Bad news won't bother them;
they have decided
    to trust the Lord.
They are dependable
    and not afraid,
and they will live to see
    their enemies defeated.
(B) They will always be remembered
    and greatly praised,
because they were kind
    and freely gave to the poor.
10 When evil people see this,
they angrily bite their tongues
    and disappear.
They will never get
    what they really want.

The Lord Helps People in Need

Shout praises to the Lord!
Everyone who serves him,
    come and praise his name.

Let the name of the Lord
    be praised now and forever.
From dawn until sunset
the name of the Lord
    deserves to be praised.
The Lord is far above
    all of the nations;
he is more glorious
    than the heavens.

No one can compare
    with the Lord our God.
His throne is high above,
and he looks down to see
    the heavens and the earth.
God lifts the poor and needy
    from dust and ashes,
and he lets them take part
    in ruling his people.
When a wife has no children,
    he blesses her with some,
and she is happy.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

The Lord Works Wonders

(C) God brought his people
out of Egypt, that land
    with a strange language.
He made Judah his holy place
    and ruled over Israel.

(D) When the sea looked at God,
    it ran away,
and the Jordan River
    flowed upstream.
The mountains and the hills
    skipped around like goats.

Ask the sea why it ran away
or ask the Jordan
    why it flowed upstream.
Ask the mountains and the hills
    why they skipped like goats!

Earth, you will tremble,
when the Lord God of Jacob
    comes near,
(E) because he turns solid rock
into flowing streams
    and pools of water.

The Lord Deserves To Be Praised

We don't deserve praise!
The Lord alone deserves
    all of the praise,
because of his love
    and faithfulness.
(F) Why should the nations ask,
    “Where is your God?”

Our God is in the heavens,
    doing as he chooses.
(G) The idols of the nations
    are made of silver and gold.
They have a mouth and eyes,
    but they can't speak or see.
Their ears can't hear,
    and their noses can't smell.
Their hands have no feeling,
their legs don't move,
    and they can't make a sound.
Everyone who made the idols
    and all who trust them
are just as helpless
    as those useless gods.

People of Israel,
you must trust the Lord
    to help and protect you.
10 Family of Aaron the priest,
you must trust the Lord
    to help and protect you.
11 All of you worship the Lord,
so you must trust him
    to help and protect you.

12 The Lord will not forget
    to give us his blessing;
he will bless all of Israel
    and the family of Aaron.
13 (H) All who worship the Lord,
no matter who they are,
    will receive his blessing.

14 I pray that the Lord
    will let your family
and your descendants
    always grow strong.
15 May the Lord who created
the heavens and the earth
    give you his blessing.

16 The Lord has kept the heavens
    for himself,
but he has given the earth
    to us humans.
17 The dead are silent
    and cannot praise the Lord,
18 but we will praise him
now and forevermore.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

When the Lord Saves You from Death

I love you, Lord!
    You answered my prayers.
You paid attention to me,
and so I will pray to you
    as long as I live.
Death attacked from all sides,
and I was captured
    by its painful chains.
But when I was really hurting,
I prayed and said, “Lord,
    please don't let me die!”

You are kind, Lord,
    so good and merciful.
You protect ordinary people,
and when I was helpless,
    you saved me
and treated me so kindly
that I don't need
    to worry anymore.

You, Lord, have saved
    my life from death,
    my eyes from tears,
    my feet from stumbling.
Now I will walk at your side
    in this land of the living.
10 (I) I was faithful to you
    when I was suffering,
11 though in my confusion I said,
    “I can't trust anyone!”

12 What must I give you, Lord,
    for being so good to me?
13 I will pour out an offering
    of wine to you,
and I will pray in your name
because you
    have saved me.
14 I will keep my promise to you
    when your people meet.
15 You are deeply concerned
when one of your loyal people
    faces death.

16 I worship you, Lord,
    just as my mother did,
and you have rescued me
    from the chains of death.
17 I will offer you a sacrifice
to show how grateful I am,
    and I will pray.
18 I will keep my promise to you
    when your people
19 gather at your temple
in Jerusalem.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

Come Praise the Lord

(J) All of you nations,
come praise the Lord!
    Let everyone praise him.
God's love for us is wonderful;
his faithfulness never ends.
    Shout praises to the Lord!

The Lord Is Always Merciful

(K) Tell the Lord
    how thankful you are,
because he is kind
    and always merciful.

Let Israel shout,
    “God is always merciful!”
Let the family of Aaron
the priest shout,
    “God is always merciful!”
Let every true worshiper
of the Lord shout,
    “God is always merciful!”

When I was really hurting,
    I prayed to the Lord.
He answered my prayer,
    and took my worries away.
(L) The Lord is on my side,
and I am not afraid
    of what others can do to me.
With the Lord on my side,
I will defeat
    my hateful enemies.
It is better to trust the Lord
    for protection
than to trust anyone else,
    including strong leaders.

10 Nations surrounded me,
but I got rid of them
    by the power of the Lord.
11 They attacked from all sides,
but I got rid of them
    by the power of the Lord.
12 They swarmed around like bees,
but by the power of the Lord,
    I got rid of them
    and their fiery sting.
13 Their attacks were so fierce
that I nearly fell,
    but the Lord helped me.
14 (M) My power and my strength
come from the Lord,
    and he has saved me.

15 From the tents of God's people
come shouts of victory:
    “The Lord is powerful!
16 With his mighty arm
the Lord wins victories!
    The Lord is powerful!”

17 And so my life is safe,
and I will live to tell
    what the Lord has done.
18 He punished me terribly,
but he did not let death
    lay its hands on me.

19 Open the gates of justice!
I will enter and tell the Lord
    how thankful I am.

20 Here is the gate of the Lord!
Everyone who does right
    may enter this gate.

21 I praise the Lord
for answering my prayers
    and saving me.
22 (N)(O) The stone that the builders
    tossed aside
has now become
    the most important stone.

23 The Lord has done this,
    and it is amazing to us.
24 This day belongs to the Lord!
Let's celebrate
    and be glad today.
25 (P) We'll ask the Lord to save us!
We'll sincerely ask the Lord
    to let us win.

26 (Q) God bless the one who comes
    in the name of the Lord!
We praise you from here
    in the house of the Lord.

27 The Lord is our God,
    and he has given us light!
Start the celebration!
March with palm branches
    all the way to the altar.[b]

28 The Lord is my God!
I will praise him and tell him
    how thankful I am.

29 Tell the Lord
    how thankful you are,
because he is kind
    and always merciful.


  1. 111.10 This … sense: Or “This is what wisdom and good sense are all about.”
  2. 118.27 Start … altar: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.

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