For to us a child is born,(A)
    to us a son is given,(B)
    and the government(C) will be on his shoulders.(D)
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor,(E) Mighty God,(F)
    Everlasting(G) Father,(H) Prince of Peace.(I)
Of the greatness of his government(J) and peace(K)
    there will be no end.(L)
He will reign(M) on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
    with justice(N) and righteousness(O)
    from that time on and forever.(P)
The zeal(Q) of the Lord Almighty
    will accomplish this.

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14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you[a] a sign:(A) The virgin[b](B) will conceive and give birth to a son,(C) and[c] will call him Immanuel.[d](D)

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  1. Isaiah 7:14 The Hebrew is plural.
  2. Isaiah 7:14 Or young woman
  3. Isaiah 7:14 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scrolls son, and he or son, and they
  4. Isaiah 7:14 Immanuel means God with us.

Who has gone up(A) to heaven and come down?
    Whose hands(B) have gathered up the wind?
Who has wrapped up the waters(C) in a cloak?(D)
    Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name,(E) and what is the name of his son?
    Surely you know!

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