Isaiah 61-62
New International Version
The Year of the Lord’s Favor
61 The Spirit(A) of the Sovereign Lord(B) is on me,
because the Lord has anointed(C) me
to proclaim good news(D) to the poor.(E)
He has sent me to bind up(F) the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom(G) for the captives(H)
and release from darkness for the prisoners,[a]
2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor(I)
and the day of vengeance(J) of our God,
to comfort(K) all who mourn,(L)
3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown(M) of beauty
instead of ashes,(N)
the oil(O) of joy
instead of mourning,(P)
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting(Q) of the Lord
for the display of his splendor.(R)
4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins(S)
and restore the places long devastated;
they will renew the ruined cities
that have been devastated for generations.
5 Strangers(T) will shepherd your flocks;
foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.
6 And you will be called priests(U) of the Lord,
you will be named ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth(V) of nations,
and in their riches you will boast.
7 Instead of your shame(W)
you will receive a double(X) portion,
and instead of disgrace
you will rejoice in your inheritance.
And so you will inherit(Y) a double portion in your land,
and everlasting joy(Z) will be yours.
8 “For I, the Lord, love justice;(AA)
I hate robbery and wrongdoing.
In my faithfulness I will reward my people
and make an everlasting covenant(AB) with them.
9 Their descendants(AC) will be known among the nations
and their offspring among the peoples.
All who see them will acknowledge
that they are a people the Lord has blessed.”(AD)
10 I delight greatly in the Lord;
my soul rejoices(AE) in my God.
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness,(AF)
as a bridegroom adorns his head(AG) like a priest,
and as a bride(AH) adorns herself with her jewels.
11 For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden(AI) causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness(AJ)
and praise spring up before all nations.
Zion’s New Name
62 For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent,(AK)
for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet,
till her vindication(AL) shines out like the dawn,(AM)
her salvation(AN) like a blazing torch.
2 The nations(AO) will see your vindication,
and all kings your glory;
you will be called by a new name(AP)
that the mouth of the Lord will bestow.
3 You will be a crown(AQ) of splendor in the Lord’s hand,
a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
4 No longer will they call you Deserted,(AR)
or name your land Desolate.(AS)
But you will be called Hephzibah,[b](AT)
and your land Beulah[c];
for the Lord will take delight(AU) in you,
and your land will be married.(AV)
5 As a young man marries a young woman,
so will your Builder marry you;
as a bridegroom(AW) rejoices over his bride,
so will your God rejoice(AX) over you.
6 I have posted watchmen(AY) on your walls, Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night.
You who call on the Lord,
give yourselves no rest,(AZ)
7 and give him no rest(BA) till he establishes Jerusalem
and makes her the praise(BB) of the earth.
8 The Lord has sworn(BC) by his right hand
and by his mighty arm:
“Never again will I give your grain(BD)
as food for your enemies,
and never again will foreigners drink the new wine
for which you have toiled;
9 but those who harvest it will eat(BE) it
and praise the Lord,(BF)
and those who gather the grapes will drink it
in the courts of my sanctuary.”(BG)
10 Pass through, pass through the gates!(BH)
Prepare the way for the people.
Build up, build up the highway!(BI)
Remove the stones.
Raise a banner(BJ) for the nations.
11 The Lord has made proclamation
to the ends of the earth:(BK)
“Say to Daughter Zion,(BL)
‘See, your Savior comes!(BM)
See, his reward is with him,
and his recompense accompanies him.’”(BN)
12 They will be called(BO) the Holy People,(BP)
the Redeemed(BQ) of the Lord;
and you will be called Sought After,
the City No Longer Deserted.(BR)
- Isaiah 61:1 Hebrew; Septuagint the blind
- Isaiah 62:4 Hephzibah means my delight is in her.
- Isaiah 62:4 Beulah means married.
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.
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