Jerusalem as a Useless Vine

15 The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, how is the wood of a vine(A) different from that of a branch from any of the trees in the forest? Is wood ever taken from it to make anything useful?(B) Do they make pegs(C) from it to hang things on? And after it is thrown on the fire as fuel and the fire burns both ends and chars the middle, is it then useful for anything?(D) If it was not useful for anything when it was whole, how much less can it be made into something useful when the fire has burned it and it is charred?

“Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: As I have given the wood of the vine among the trees of the forest as fuel for the fire, so will I treat the people living in Jerusalem. I will set my face against(E) them. Although they have come out of the fire(F), the fire will yet consume them. And when I set my face against them, you will know that I am the Lord.(G) I will make the land desolate(H) because they have been unfaithful,(I) declares the Sovereign Lord.”

17 Then the word of the Lord came to me: 18 “Son of man, the people of Israel have become dross(A) to me; all of them are the copper, tin, iron and lead left inside a furnace.(B) They are but the dross of silver.(C) 19 Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘Because you have all become dross,(D) I will gather you into Jerusalem. 20 As silver, copper, iron, lead and tin are gathered into a furnace to be melted with a fiery blast, so will I gather you in my anger and my wrath and put you inside the city and melt you.(E) 21 I will gather you and I will blow(F) on you with my fiery wrath, and you will be melted inside her.(G)

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46 “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Bring a mob(A) against them and give them over to terror and plunder.(B) 47 The mob will stone them and cut them down with their swords; they will kill their sons and daughters(C) and burn(D) down their houses.(E)

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What more could have been done for my vineyard
    than I have done for it?(A)
When I looked for good grapes,
    why did it yield only bad?(B)
Now I will tell you
    what I am going to do to my vineyard:
I will take away its hedge,
    and it will be destroyed;(C)
I will break down its wall,(D)
    and it will be trampled.(E)
I will make it a wasteland,(F)
    neither pruned nor cultivated,
    and briers and thorns(G) will grow there.
I will command the clouds
    not to rain(H) on it.”

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15 Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “See, I will make this people eat bitter food(A) and drink poisoned water.(B) 16 I will scatter them among nations(C) that neither they nor their ancestors have known,(D) and I will pursue them with the sword(E) until I have made an end of them.”(F)

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13 then tell them, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am going to fill with drunkenness(A) all who live in this land, including the kings who sit on David’s throne, the priests, the prophets and all those living in Jerusalem. 14 I will smash them one against the other, parents and children alike, declares the Lord. I will allow no pity(B) or mercy or compassion(C) to keep me from destroying(D) them.’”

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15 Then the Lord said to me: “Even if Moses(A) and Samuel(B) were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to this people.(C) Send them away from my presence!(D) Let them go! And if they ask you, ‘Where shall we go?’ tell them, ‘This is what the Lord says:

“‘Those destined for death, to death;
those for the sword, to the sword;(E)
those for starvation, to starvation;(F)
those for captivity, to captivity.’(G)

“I will send four kinds of destroyers(H) against them,” declares the Lord, “the sword(I) to kill and the dogs(J) to drag away and the birds(K) and the wild animals to devour and destroy.(L) I will make them abhorrent(M) to all the kingdoms of the earth(N) because of what Manasseh(O) son of Hezekiah king of Judah did in Jerusalem.

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11 “Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty,(A) the God of Israel, says: I am determined to bring disaster(B) on you and to destroy all Judah.

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