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“And what are these, my lord?” I asked the angel who was talking with me.

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I asked the angel who was talking with me, “My lord, what do these horses mean?”

“I will show you,” the angel replied.

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10 “Where are they taking the basket?” I asked the angel.

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A Woman in a Basket

Then the angel who was talking with me came forward and said, “Look up and see what’s coming.”

“What is it?” I asked.

He replied, “It is a basket for measuring grain,[a] and it’s filled with the sins[b] of everyone throughout the land.”

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  1. 5:6a Hebrew an ephah [20 quarts or 22 liters]; also in 5:7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
  2. 5:6b As in Greek version; Hebrew reads the appearance.

19 “What are these?” I asked the angel who was talking with me.

He replied, “These horns represent the nations that scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.”

20 Then the Lord showed me four blacksmiths. 21 “What are these men coming to do?” I asked.

The angel replied, “These four horns—these nations—scattered and humbled Judah. Now these blacksmiths have come to terrify those nations and throw them down and destroy them.”

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