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Yochanan 16:21-23
Orthodox Jewish Bible
Yochanan 16:21-23
Orthodox Jewish Bible
21 The isha (woman) when she gives birth, has agmat nefesh (grief), [YESHAYAH 13:8; 21:3; 26:17; MICHOH 4:9; HOSHEA 13:13] because the sha’ah (hour, time) of her has come. But when she gives birth to the yeled, she no longer has zikaron of the Tribulation because of the naches that an ish was born into the Olam Hazeh.
22 Therefore, you have agmat nefesh (grief) now, [YIRMEYAH 31:12] but again I will see you, and your levavot will have rejoicing [YESHAYAH 66:14 TARGUM HASHIVIM] and the simcha of you no one takes from you.
23 And on that day you will not ask me anything. Omein, omein, I say to you, whatever you ask HaAv b’Shem of me, He will give it to you.
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Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
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