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Wisdom 6:16-18
Wycliffe Bible
Wisdom 6:16-18
Wycliffe Bible
16 For why it goeth about, and seeketh men worthy to (or of) it; and in their ways [or and in his ways] it shall show itself gladly to them, and in all purveyance it shall meet them.
17 For why the beginning of wisdom is the veriest (or the truest) covetousness of learning. Therefore the busyness of learning is love; [The beginning forsooth of it most very coveting of discipline. Then care of discipline is loving;]
18 and love is the keeping of (the) laws thereof. Soothly the keeping of laws is (the) perfection of uncorruption; [and loving is keeping of his laws. Keeping forsooth of laws is full ending of uncorruption;]
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Wycliffe Bible (WYC)
2001 by Terence P. Noble