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20 Fire in water had power above his virtue; and (the) water forgot the kind quenching. [Fire in the water had strength over his virtue; and water forgot his quenching kind.]

21 Again-ward flames of corruptible beasts dis-eased not the fleshes of (the) Hebrews going together (with them); neither departed that good meat, that was departed (as) lightly as ice. [Flames again-ward travailed not the flesh of the corruptible beasts going together (with them); nor dissolved it, that lightly was dissolved as ice, good meat.]

22 Forsooth, Lord, thou magnifiedest thy people in all things, and hounouredest; and despisedest not, and helpedest them in each time and in each place. [In all things forsooth thou magnifiedest thy people, Lord, and worshippedest; and despisedest not, in all time and in all place standing nigh to them.]

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