Tobit 1-11
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
1 The book of the acts[a] of Tobit the son of To′biel, son of Anan′iel, son of Ad′uel, son of Gab′ael, of the descendants of As′iel and the tribe of Naph′tali, 2 who in the days of Shalmane′ser,[b] king of the Assyrians, was taken into captivity from Thisbe, which is to the south of Kedesh Naph′tali in Galilee above Asher.
Tobit’s Youth and Virtuous Life
3 I, Tobit, walked in the ways of truth and righteousness all the days of my life, and I performed many acts of charity to my brethren and countrymen who went with me into the land of the Assyrians, to Nin′eveh. 4 Now when I was in my own country, in the land of Israel, while I was still a young man, the whole tribe of Naph′tali my forefather deserted the house of Jerusalem. This was the place which had been chosen from among all the tribes of Israel, where all the tribes should sacrifice and where the temple of the dwelling of the Most High was consecrated and established for all generations for ever.
5 All the tribes that joined in apostasy used to sacrifice to the calf[c] Ba′al, and so did the house of Naph′tali my forefather. 6 But I alone went often to Jerusalem for the feasts, as it is ordained for all Israel by an everlasting decree. Taking the first fruits and the tithes of my produce and the first shearings, I would give these to the priests, the sons of Aaron, at the altar. 7 Of all my produce I would give a tenth to the sons of Levi who ministered at Jerusalem; a second tenth I would sell, and I would go and spend the proceeds each year at Jerusalem; 8 the third tenth I would give to those to whom it was my duty, as Deb′orah my father’s mother had commanded me, for I was left an orphan by my father. 9 When I became a man I married Anna, a member of our family, and by her I became the father of Tobi′as.
Taken Captive to Nineveh
10 Now when I was carried away captive to Nin′eveh, all my brethren and my relatives ate the food of the Gentiles; 11 but I kept myself from eating it, 12 because I remembered God with all my heart. 13 Then the Most High gave me favor and good appearance in the sight of Shalmane′ser,[d] and I was his buyer of provisions. 14 So I used to go into Media, and once at Rages in Media I left ten talents of silver in trust with Gab′ael, the brother of Gabri′as. 15 But when Shalmane′ser[e] died, Sennach′erib his son reigned in his place; and under him the highways were unsafe, so that I could no longer go into Media.
Courage in Burying the Dead
16 In the days of Shalmane′ser[f] I performed many acts of charity to my brethren. 17 I would give my bread to the hungry and my clothing to the naked; and if I saw any one of my people dead and thrown out behind the wall of Nin′eveh, I would bury him. 18 And if Sennach′erib the king put to death any who came fleeing from Judea, I buried them secretly. For in his anger he put many to death. When the bodies were sought by the king, they were not found. 19 Then one of the men of Nin′eveh went and informed the king about me, that I was burying them; so I hid myself. When I learned that I was being searched for, to be put to death, I left home in fear. 20 Then all my property was confiscated and nothing was left to me except my wife Anna and my son Tobi′as.
21 But not fifty[g] days passed before two of Sennach′erib’s[h] sons killed him, and they fled to the mountains of Ar′arat. Then Esarhad′don,[i] his son, reigned in his place; and he appointed Ahi′kar, the son of my brother An′ael, over all the accounts of his kingdom and over the entire administration. 22 Ahi′kar interceded for me, and I returned to Nin′eveh. Now Ahi′kar was cupbearer, keeper of the signet, and in charge of administration of the accounts, for Esarhad′don[j] had appointed him second to himself.[k] He was my nephew.
2 When I arrived home and my wife Anna and my son Tobi′as were restored to me, at the feast of Pentecost, which is the sacred festival of the seven weeks, a good dinner was prepared for me and I sat down to eat. 2 Upon seeing the abundance of food I said to my son, “Go and bring whatever poor man of our brethren you may find who is mindful of the Lord, and I will wait for you.” 3 But he came back and said, “Father, one of our people has been strangled and thrown into the market place.” 4 So before I tasted anything I sprang up and removed the body[l] to a place of shelter until sunset. 5 And when I returned I washed myself and ate my food in sorrow. 6 Then I remembered the prophecy of Amos, how he said,
“Your feasts shall be turned into mourning,
and all your festivities into lamentation.”
And I wept.
Tobit Becomes Blind
7 When the sun had set I went and dug a grave and buried the body.[m] 8 And my neighbors laughed at me and said, “He is no longer afraid that he will be put to death for doing this; he once ran away, and here he is burying the dead again!” 9 On the same night I returned from burying him, and because I was defiled I slept by the wall of the courtyard, and my face was uncovered. 10 I did not know that there were sparrows on the wall and their fresh droppings fell into my open eyes and white films formed on my eyes. I went to physicians, but they did not help me. Ahi′kar, however, took care of me until he[n] went to Elyma′is.[o]
Tobit’s Wife Earns Their Livelihood
11 Then my wife Anna earned money at women’s work. 12 She used to send the product to the owners. Once when they paid her wages, they also gave her a kid; 13 and when she returned to me it began to bleat. So I said to her, “Where did you get the kid? It is not stolen, is it? Return it to the owners; for it is not right to eat what is stolen.” 14 And she said, “It was given to me as a gift in addition to my wages.” But I did not believe her, and told her to return it to the owners; and I blushed for her. Then she replied to me, “Where are your charities and your righteous deeds? You seem to know everything!”
Tobit’s Prayer
3 Then in my grief I wept, and I prayed in anguish, saying, 2 “Righteous art thou, O Lord; all thy deeds and all thy ways are mercy and truth, and thou dost render true and righteous judgment for ever. 3 Remember me and look favorably upon me; do not punish me for my sins and for my unwitting offenses and those which my fathers committed before thee. 4 For they disobeyed thy commandments, and thou gavest us over to plunder, captivity, and death; thou madest us a byword of reproach in all the nations among which we have been dispersed. 5 And now thy many judgments are true in exacting penalty from me for my sins and those of my fathers, because we did not keep thy commandments. For we did not walk in truth before thee. 6 And now deal with me according to thy pleasure; command my spirit to be taken up, that I may depart and become dust. For it is better for me to die than to live, because I have heard false reproaches, and great is the sorrow within me. Command that I now be released from my distress to go to the eternal abode; do not turn thy face away from me.”
Sarah Falsely Accused
7 On the same day, at Ecbat′ana in Media, it also happened that Sarah, the daughter of Rag′uel, was reproached by her father’s maids, 8 because she had been given to seven husbands, and the evil demon Asmode′us had slain each of them before he had been with her as his wife. So the maids[p] said to her, “Do you not know that you strangle your husbands? You already have had seven and have had no benefit from[q] any of them. 9 Why do you beat us? If they are dead, go with them! May we never see a son or daughter of yours!”
Sarah’s Prayer for Death
10 When she heard these things she was deeply grieved, even to the thought of hanging herself. But she said, “I am the only child of my father; if I do this, it will be a disgrace to him, and I shall bring his old age down in sorrow to the grave.”[r] 11 So she prayed by her window and said, “Blessed art thou, O Lord my God, and blessed is thy holy and honored name for ever. May all thy works praise thee for ever. 12 And now, O Lord, I have turned my eyes and my face toward thee. 13 Command that I be released from the earth and that I hear reproach no more. 14 Thou knowest, O Lord, that I am innocent of any sin with man, 15 and that I did not stain my name or the name of my father in the land of my captivity. I am my father’s only child, and he has no child to be his heir, no near kinsman or kinsman’s[s] son for whom I should keep myself as wife. Already seven husbands of mine are dead. Why should I live? But if it be not pleasing to thee to take my life, command that respect be shown to me and pity be taken upon me, and that I hear reproach no more.”[t]
An Answer to Prayer
16 The prayer of both was heard in the presence of the glory of the great God. 17 And Raph′ael[u] was sent to heal the two of them: to scale away the white films of Tobit’s eyes; to give Sarah the daughter of Rag′uel in marriage to Tobi′as the son of Tobit, and to bind Asmode′us the evil demon, because Tobi′as was entitled to possess her. At that very moment Tobit returned and entered his house and Sarah the daughter of Rag′uel came down from her upper room.
Tobit Gives Instructions to His Son
4 On that day Tobit remembered the money which he had left in trust with Gab′ael at Rages in Media, and he said to himself: 2 “I have asked for death. Why do I not call my son Tobi′as so that I may explain to him about the money[v] before I die?” 3 So he called him and said, “My son, when I die, bury me, and do not neglect your mother. Honor her all the days of your life; do what is pleasing to her, and do not grieve her. 4 Remember, my son, that she faced many dangers for you while you were yet unborn. When she dies, bury her beside me in the same grave.
5 “Remember the Lord our God all your days, my son, and refuse to sin or to transgress his commandments. Live uprightly all the days of your life, and do not walk in the ways of wrongdoing. 6 For if you do what is true, your ways will prosper through your deeds. 7 Give alms from your possessions to all who live uprightly, and do not let your eye begrudge the gift when you make it. Do not turn your face away from any poor man, and the face of God will not be turned away from you. 8 If you have many possessions, make your gift from them in proportion; if few, do not be afraid to give according to the little you have. 9 So you will be laying up a good treasure for yourself against the day of necessity. 10 For charity[w] delivers from death and keeps you from entering the darkness; 11 and for all who practice it charity is an excellent offering in the presence of the Most High.
12 “Beware, my son, of all immorality.[x] First of all take a wife from among the descendants of your fathers and do not marry a foreign woman, who is not of your father’s tribe; for we are the sons of the prophets. Remember, my son, that Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, our fathers of old, all took wives from among their brethren. They were blessed in their children, and their posterity will inherit the land. 13 So now, my son, love your brethren, and in your heart do not disdain your brethren and the sons and daughters of your people by refusing to take a wife for yourself from among them. For in pride there is ruin and great confusion; and in shiftlessness there is loss and great want, because shiftlessness is the mother of famine. 14 Do not hold over till the next day the wages of any man who works for you, but pay him at once; and if you serve God you will receive payment.
“Watch yourself, my son, in everything you do, and be disciplined in all your conduct. 15 And what you hate, do not do to any one. Do not drink wine to excess or let drunkenness go with you on your way. 16 Give of your bread to the hungry, and of your clothing to the naked. Give all your surplus to charity, and do not let your eye begrudge the gift when you made it. 17 Place your bread[y] on the grave of the righteous, but give none to sinners. 18 Seek advice from every wise man, and do not despise any useful counsel. 19 Bless the Lord God on every occasion; ask him that your ways may be made straight and that all your paths and plans may prosper. For none of the nations has understanding; but the Lord himself gives all good things, and according to his will he humbles whomever he wishes.
Money Left in Trust with Gabael
“So, my son, remember my commands, and do not let them be blotted out of your mind. 20 And now let me explain to you about the ten talents of silver which I left in trust with Gab′ael the son of Gabri′as at Rages in Media. 21 Do not be afraid, my son, because we have become poor. You have great wealth if you fear God and refrain from every sin and do what is pleasing in his sight.”
The Angel Raph′ael
5 Then Tobi′as answered him, “Father, I will do everything that you have commanded me; 2 but how can I obtain the money when I do not know the man?” 3 Then Tobit gave him the receipt, and said to him, “Find a man to go with you and I will pay him wages as long as I live; and go and get the money.” 4 So he went to look for a man; and he found Raph′ael, who was an angel, 5 but Tobi′as[z] did not know it. Tobi′as[aa] said to him, “Can you go with me to Rages in Media? Are you acquainted with that region?” 6 The angel replied, “I will go with you; I am familiar with the way, and I have stayed with our brother Gab′ael.” 7 Then Tobi′as said to him, “Wait for me, and I shall tell my father.” 8 And he said to him, “Go, and do not delay.” So he went in and said to his father, “I have found some one to go with me.” He said, “Call him to me, so that I may learn to what tribe he belongs, and whether he is a reliable man to go with you.”
9 So Tobi′as[ab] invited him in; he entered and they greeted each other. 10 Then Tobit said to him, “My brother, to what tribe and family do you belong? Tell me.” 11 But he answered, “Are you looking for a tribe and a family or for a man whom you will pay to go with your son?” And Tobit said to him, “I should like to know, my brother, your people and your name.” 12 He replied, “I am Azari′as the son of the great Anani′as, one of your relatives.” 13 Then Tobit said to him, “You are welcome, my brother. Do not be angry with me because I tried to learn your tribe and family. You are a relative of mine, of a good and noble lineage. For I used to know Anani′as and Jathan, the sons of the great Shema′iah, when we went together to Jerusalem to worship and offered the first-born of our flocks and the tithes of our produce. They did not go astray in the error of our brethren. My brother, you come of good stock. 14 But tell me, what wages am I to pay you—a drachma a day, and expenses for yourself as for my son? 15 And besides, I will add to your wages if you both return safe and sound.” So they agreed to these terms.
16 Then he said to Tobi′as, “Get ready for the journey, and good success to you both.” So his son made the preparations for the journey. And his father said to him, “Go with this man; God who dwells in heaven will prosper your way, and may his angel attend you.” So they both went out and departed, and the young man’s dog was with them.
17 But Anna,[ac] his mother, began to weep, and said to Tobit, “Why have you sent our child away? Is he not the staff of our hands as he goes in and out before us? 18 Do not add money to money, but consider it as rubbish as compared to our child. 19 For the life that is given to us by the Lord is enough for us.” 20 And Tobit said to her, “Do not worry, my sister; he will return safe and sound, and your eyes will see him. 21 For a good angel will go with him; his journey will be successful, and he will come back safe and sound.” 22 So she stopped weeping.
Journey to Rages
6 Now as they proceeded on their way they came at evening to the Tigris river and camped there. 2 Then the young man went down to wash himself. A fish leaped up from the river and would have swallowed the young man; 3 and the angel said to him, “Catch the fish.” So the young man seized the fish and threw it up on the land. 4 Then the angel said to him, “Cut open the fish and take the heart and liver and gall and put them away safely.” 5 So the young man did as the angel told him; and they roasted and ate the fish.
And they both continued on their way until they came near to Ecbat′ana. 6 Then the young man said to the angel, “Brother Azari′as, of what use is the liver and heart and gall of the fish?” 7 He replied, “As for the heart and the liver, if a demon or evil spirit gives trouble to any one, you make a smoke from these before the man or woman, and that person will never be troubled again. 8 And as for the gall, anoint with it a man who has white films in his eyes, and he will be cured.”
Raph′ael’s Instructions
9 When they approached Ecbat′ana,[ad] 10 the angel said to the young man, “Brother, today we shall stay with Rag′uel. He is your relative, and he has an only daughter named Sarah. I will suggest that she be given to you in marriage, 11 because you are entitled to her and to her inheritance, for you are her only eligible kinsman. 12 The girl is also beautiful and sensible. Now listen to my plan. I will speak to her father, and as soon as we return from Rages we will celebrate the marriage. For I know that Rag′uel, according to the law of Moses, cannot give her to another man without incurring the penalty of death, because you rather than any other man are entitled to the inheritance.”
13 Then the young man said to the angel, “Brother Azari′as, I have heard that the girl has been given to seven husbands and that each died in the bridal chamber. 14 Now I am the only son my father has, and I am afraid that if I go in I will die as those before me did, for a demon is in love with her, and he harms no one except those who approach her. So now I fear that I may die and bring the lives of my father and mother to the grave in sorrow on my account. And they have no other son to bury them.”
15 [ae]But the angel said to him, “Do you not remember the words with which your father commanded you to take a wife from among your own people? Now listen to me, brother, for she will become your wife; and do not worry about the demon, for this very night she will be given to you in marriage. 16 When you enter the bridal chamber, you shall take live ashes of incense and lay upon them some of the heart and liver of the fish so as to make a smoke. 17 Then the demon will smell it and flee away, and will never again return. And when you approach her, rise up, both of you, and cry out to the merciful God, and he will save you and have mercy on you. Do not be afraid, for she was destined for you from eternity. You will save her, and she will go with you, and I suppose that you will have children by her.” When Tobi′as heard these things, he fell in love with her and yearned deeply for her.
Arrival at Home of Raguel
7 When they reached Ecbat′ana and arrived at the house of Rag′uel, Sarah met them and greeted them. They returned her greeting, and she brought them into the house. 2 Then Rag′uel said to his wife Edna, “How much the young man resembles my cousin Tobit!” 3 And Rag′uel asked them, “Where are you from, brethren?” They answered him, “We belong to the sons of Naph′tali, who are captives in Nin′eveh.” 4 So he said to them, “Do you know our brother Tobit?” And they said, “Yes, we do.” And he asked them, “Is he in good health?” 5 They replied, “He is alive and in good health.” And Tobi′as said, “He is my father.” 6 Then Rag′uel sprang up and kissed him and wept. 7 And he blessed him and exclaimed, “Son of that good and noble man!” When he heard that Tobit had lost his sight, he was stricken with grief and wept. 8 And his wife Edna and his daughter Sarah wept. They received them very warmly; and they killed a ram from the flock and set large servings of food before them.
Marriage of Tobias and Sarah
Then Tobi′as said to Raph′ael, “Brother Azari′as, speak of those things which you talked about on the journey, and let the matter be settled.” 9 So he communicated the proposal to Rag′uel. And Rag′uel said to Tobi′as, “Eat, drink, and be merry; 10 for it is your right to take my child. But let me explain the true situation to you. 11 I have given my daughter to seven husbands, and when each came to her he died in the night. But for the present be merry.” And Tobi′as said, “I will eat nothing here until you make a binding agreement with me.” 12 So Rag′uel said, “Take her right now, in accordance with the law. You are her relative, and she is yours. The merciful God will guide you both for the best.” 13 Then he called his daughter Sarah, and taking her by the hand he gave her to Tobi′as to be his wife, saying, “Here she is; take her according to the law of Moses, and take her with you to your father.” And he blessed them.[af] 14 Next he called his wife Edna, and took a scroll and wrote out the contract; and they set their seals to it. 15 Then they began to eat.
16 And Rag′uel called his wife Edna and said to her, “Sister, make up the other room, and take her into it.” 17 So she did as he said, and took her there; and the girl[ag] began to weep. But the mother[ah] comforted her daughter in her tears, and said to her, 18 “Be brave, my child; the Lord of heaven and earth grant you joy[ai] in place of this sorrow of yours. Be brave, my daughter.”
Tobias Routs the Demon
8 When they had finished eating, they escorted Tobi′as in to her. 2 As he went he remembered the words of Raph′ael, and he took the live ashes of incense and put the heart and liver of the fish upon them and made a smoke. 3 And when the demon smelled the odor he fled to the remotest parts of Egypt, and the angel bound him. 4 When the door was shut and the two were alone, Tobi′as got up from the bed and said, “Sister, get up, and let us pray that the Lord may have mercy upon us.”[aj] 5 And Tobi′as began to pray,
“Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers,
and blessed be thy holy and glorious name for ever.
Let the heavens and all thy creatures bless thee.
6 Thou madest Adam and gavest him Eve his wife
as a helper and support.
From them the race of mankind has sprung.
Thou didst say, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone;
let us make a helper for him like himself.’
7 And now, O Lord, I am not taking this sister of mine because of lust, but with sincerity. Grant that I may find mercy and may grow old together with her.” 8 And she said with him, “Amen.” 9 Then they both went to sleep for the night.
But Rag′uel arose and went and dug a grave, 10 with the thought, “Perhaps he too will die.” 11 Then Rag′uel went into his house 12 and said to his wife Edna, “Send one of the maids to see whether he is alive; and if he is not, let us bury him without any one knowing about it.” 13 So the maid opened the door and went in, and found them both asleep. 14 And she came out and told them that he was alive. 15 Then Rag′uel blessed God and said,
“Blessed art thou, O God, with every pure and holy blessing.
Let thy saints and all thy creatures bless thee;
let all thy angels and thy chosen people bless thee for ever.
16 Blessed art thou, because thou hast made me glad.
It has not happened to me as I expected;
but thou hast treated us according to thy great mercy.
17 Blessed art thou, because thou hast had compassion on two only children.
Show them mercy, O Lord;
and bring their lives to fulfilment in health and happiness and mercy.”
18 Then he ordered his servants to fill in the grave.
Wedding Feast
19 After this he gave a wedding feast for them which lasted fourteen days. 20 And before the days of the feast were over, Rag′uel declared by oath to Tobi′as[ak] that he should not leave until the fourteen days of the wedding feast were ended, 21 that then he should take half of Rag′uel’s[al] property and return in safety to his father, and that the rest would be his “when my wife and I die.”
The Money Recovered
9 Then Tobi′as called Raph′ael and said to him, 2 “Brother Azari′as, take a servant and two camels with you and go to Gab′ael at Rages in Media and get the money for me; and bring him to the wedding feast. 3 For Rag′uel has sworn that I should not leave; 4 but my father is counting the days, and if I delay long he will be greatly distressed.” 5 So Raph′ael made the journey and stayed over night with Gab′ael. He gave him the receipt, and Gab′ael[am] brought out the money bags with their seals intact and gave them to him. 6 In the morning they both got up early and came to the wedding feast. And Gab′ael blessed Tobi′as and his wife.[an][ao]
Anxiety of the Parents
10 Now his father Tobit was counting each day, and when the days for the journey had expired and they did not arrive, 2 he said, “Is it possible that he has been detained?[ap] Or is it possible that Gab′ael has died and there is no one to give him the money?” 3 And he was greatly distressed. 4 And his wife said to him, “The lad has perished; his long delay proves it.” Then she began to mourn for him, and said, 5 “Am I not distressed, my child, that I let you go, you who are the light of my eyes?” 6 But Tobit said to her, “Be still and stop worrying; he is well.” 7 And she answered him, “Be still and stop deceiving me; my child has perished.” And she went out every day to the road by which they had left; she ate nothing in the daytime, and throughout the nights she never stopped mourning for her son Tobi′as, until the fourteen days of the wedding feast had expired which Rag′uel had sworn that he should spend there.
Tobias and Sarah Start for Home
At that time Tobi′as said to Rag′uel, “Send me back, for my father and mother have given up hope of ever seeing me again.” 8 But his father-in-law said to him, “Stay with me, and I will send messengers to your father, and they will inform him how things are with you.” 9 Tobi′as replied, “No, send me back to my father.” 10 So Rag′uel arose and gave him his wife Sarah and half of his property in slaves, cattle, and money. 11 And when he had blessed them he sent them away, saying, “The God of heaven will prosper you, my children, before I die.” 12 He said also to his daughter, “Honor your father-in-law and your mother-in-law; they are now your parents. Let me hear a good report of you.” And he kissed her. And Edna said to Tobi′as, “The Lord of heaven bring you back safely, dear brother, and grant me to see your children by my daughter Sarah, that I may rejoice before the Lord. See, I am entrusting my daughter to you; do nothing to grieve her.”
Homeward Journey
11 After this Tobi′as went on his way, praising God because he had made his journey a success. And he blessed Rag′uel and his wife Edna.
So he continued on his way until they came near to Nin′eveh. 2 Then Raph′ael said to Tobi′as, “Are you not aware, brother, of how you left your father? 3 Let us run ahead of your wife and prepare the house. 4 And take the gall of the fish with you.” So they went their way, and the dog went along behind them.
5 Now Anna sat looking intently down the road for her son. 6 And she caught sight of him coming, and said to his father, “Behold, your son is coming, and so is the man who went with him!”
Tobit’s Sight Restored
7 Raph′ael said, “I know, Tobi′as, that your father will open his eyes. 8 You therefore must anoint his eyes with the gall; and when they smart he will rub them, and will cause the white films to fall away, and he will see you.”
9 Then Anna ran to meet them, and embraced her son, and said to him, “I have seen you, my child; now I am ready to die.” And they both wept. 10 Tobit started toward the door, and stumbled. But his son ran to him 11 and took hold of his father, and he sprinkled the gall upon his father’s eyes, saying, “Be of good cheer, father.” 12 And when his eyes began to smart he rubbed them, 13 and the white films scaled off from the corners of his eyes. 14 Then he saw his son and embraced him, and he wept and said, “Blessed art thou, O God, and blessed is thy name for ever, and blessed are all thy holy angels. 15 For thou hast afflicted me, but thou hast had mercy upon me; here I see my son Tobi′as!” And his son went in rejoicing, and he reported to his father the great things that had happened to him in Media.
16 Then Tobit went out to meet his daughter-in-law at the gate of Nin′eveh, rejoicing and praising God. Those who saw him as he went were amazed because he could see. 17 And Tobit gave thanks before them that God had been merciful to him. When Tobit came near to Sarah his daughter-in-law, he blessed her, saying, “Welcome, daughter! Blessed is God who has brought you to us, and blessed are your father and your mother.” So there was rejoicing among all his brethren in Nin′eveh. 18 Ahi′kar and his nephew Nadab[aq] came, 19 and Tobi′as’ marriage was celebrated for seven days with great festivity.
- Tobit 1:1 Gk words
- Tobit 1:2 Gk Enemessarus
- Tobit 1:5 Other authorities read heifer
- Tobit 1:13 Gk Enemessarus
- Tobit 1:15 Gk Enemessarus
- Tobit 1:16 Gk Enemessarus
- Tobit 1:21 Other authorities read fifty-five
- Tobit 1:21 Gk his
- Tobit 1:21 Gk Sacherdonus
- Tobit 1:22 Gk Sacherdonus
- Tobit 1:22 Or a second time
- Tobit 2:4 Gk him
- Tobit 2:7 Gk him
- Tobit 2:10 Other authorities read I
- 2.10 Vulgate adds (verses 12-18): “12 Now this trial the Lord therefore permitted to happen to him, that an example might be given to posterity of his patience, as also of holy Job. 13 For whereas he had always feared God from his infancy, and kept his commandments, he repined not against God because the evil of blindness had befallen him, 14 but continued immovable in the fear of God, giving thanks to God all the days of his life. 15 For as the kings insulted over holy Job, so his relations and kinsmen mocked at his life, saying: 16 Where is thy hope, for which thou gavest alms, and buriedst the dead? 17 But Tobias rebuked them, saying, Speak not so; 18 for we are the children of saints, and look for that life which God will give to those that never change their faith from him.”
- Tobit 3:8 Gk they
- Tobit 3:8 Other authorities read have not borne the name of
- Tobit 3:10 Gk to Hades
- Tobit 3:15 Gk his
- 3.11-15 The Vulgate version of this prayer (verses 13-23) reads as follows: “13 She said: Blessed is thy name, O God of our fathers: who when thou hast been angry wilt show mercy, and in the time of tribulation forgivest the sins of them that call upon thee. 14 To thee, O Lord, I turn my face, to thee I direct my eyes. 15 1 beg, O Lord, that thou loose me from the bond of this reproach, or else take me away from the earth. 16 Thou knowest, O Lord, that I never coveted a husband, and have kept my soul clean from all lust. 17 Never have I joined myself with them that play; neither have I made myself partaker with them that walk in lightness. 18 But a husband I consented to take, with thy fear, not with my lust. 19 And either I was unworthy of them, or they perhaps were not worthy of me: because perhaps thou hast kept me for another man, 20 for thy counsel is not in man’s power. 21 But this every one is sure of that worshippeth thee, that his life, if it be under trial, shall be crowned: and if it be under tribulation, it shall be delivered: and if it be under correction, it shall be allowed to come to thy mercy. 22 For thou art not delighted in our being lost: because after a storm thou makest a calm, and after tears and weeping thou pourest in joyfulness. 23 Be thy name, O God of Israel, blessed for ever.”
- Tobit 3:17 Other authorities read the great Raph′ael. And he
- Tobit 4:2 Other authorities omit about the money
- 4.10 charity: i.e., almsgiving; cf. also verses 11 and 16.
- 4.12 immorality: i.e., impurity, fornication.
- 4.17 place your bread: The Greek verb means literally “pour out.” The Latin, with its “thy bread and thy wine,” preserves better the original text, cf. the Story of Ahikar: “Pour out thy wine on the graves of the righteous and drink it not with evil men.”
- Tobit 5:5 Gk he
- Tobit 5:5 Gk he
- Tobit 5:9 Gk he
- Tobit 5:17 Other authorities omit Anna
- Tobit 6:9 Other authorities read Rages
- 6.15-17 Vulgate differs and gives an exhortation to continence for three nights.
- 7.13 And he blessed them. Vulgate gives the words of the blessing: (verse 15): “The God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob be with you, and may he join you together, and fulfil his blessing in you.” These words are included in the blessing in the Nuptial Mass.
- Tobit 7:17 Gk she
- Tobit 7:17 Gk she
- Tobit 7:18 Other authorities read favor
- 8.4 Vulgate reads (verses 4-6): “Then Tobias exhorted the virgin, and said to her: Sara, arise, and let us pray to God today, and tomorrow, and the next day: because for these three nights we are joined to God: and when the third night is over, we will be in our own wedlock. 5 For we are the children of saints, and we must not be joined together like heathens that know not God. 6 So they both arose, and prayed earnestly both together that health might be given them.”
- Tobit 8:20 Gk him
- Tobit 8:21 Gk his
- Tobit 9:5 Gk he
- Tobit 9:6 Cn: Gk And Tobi′as blessed his wife
- 9.6 Instead of this sentence, Vulgate reads (verses 8-12): “8 And when he was come into Raguel’s house he found Tobias sitting at the table: and he leaped up, and they kissed each other: and Gabelus wept, and blessed God, 9 and said: The God of Israel bless thee, because thou art the son of a very good and just man, and that feareth God, and doth almsdeeds: 10 and may a blessing come upon thy wife and upon your parents: 11 and may you see your children, and your children’s children, unto the third and fourth generation: and may your seed be blessed by the God of Israel, who reigneth for ever and ever. 12 And when all had said, Amen, they went to the feast: but the marriage feast they celebrated also with the fear of the Lord.
- Tobit 10:2 One Gk Ms Lat: Gk they are put to shame or they are disappointed
- Tobit 11:18 Other authorities read Nasbas
The Revised Standard Version of the Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1965, 1966 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.