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Timotiyos I 1:10-12
Orthodox Jewish Bible
Timotiyos I 1:10-12
Orthodox Jewish Bible
10 Zannayim (fornicators), shochvim es zachar (homosexuals), gonvei nefesh (kidnapper, slave dealers SHEMOT 21:16), shakranim (liars), nishba’im lasheker (perjurers) and whatever else is keneged (against) sound orthodox torah [Moshiach’s Torah in correct Messianic teaching]
11 According to the Besuras HaGeulah kavod haElohim ham’vorach (the Good News of Redemption of the glory of the blessed G-d) with which I [Rav Sha’ul] was entrusted.
12 Modeh ani (I give thanks) to the one having empowered me, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu, because he considered me ne’eman (faithful), having appointed me to the rabbanut of Moshiach (i.e., Messianic ministry).
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