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The Splendor of the Sun

43 The pride of the heavenly heights is the clear firmament,
    the appearance of heaven in a spectacle of glory.
The sun, when it appears, making proclamation as it goes forth,
    is a marvelous instrument, the work of the Most High.
At noon it parches the land;
    and who can withstand its burning heat?
A man tending[a] a furnace works in burning heat,
    but the sun burns the mountains three times as much;
it breathes out fiery vapors,
    and with bright beams it blinds the eyes.
Great is the Lord who made it;
    and at his command it hastens on its course.

The Splendor of the Moon

He made the moon also, to serve in its season[b]
    to mark the times and to be an everlasting sign.
From the moon comes the sign for feast days,
    a light that wanes when it has reached the full.
The month is named for the moon,
    increasing marvelously in its phases,
an instrument of the hosts on high
    shining forth in the firmament of heaven.

The Glory of the Stars and the Rainbow

The glory of the stars is the beauty of heaven,
    a gleaming array in the heights of the Lord.
10 At the command of the Holy One they stand as ordered,
    they never relax in their watches.
11 Look upon the rainbow, and praise him who made it,
    exceedingly beautiful in its brightness.
12 It encircles the heaven with its glorious arc;
    the hands of the Most High have stretched it out.

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  1. Sirach 43:4 Other authorities read blowing
  2. Sirach 43:6 The Greek text of this line is uncertain

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