13 [a]Was that then which is good, [b]made death unto me? God forbid: but sin, that it might [c]appear sin, wrought death in me by that which is good, that sin might be [d]out of measure sinful by the commandment.

14 [e]For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.

15 [f]For I [g]allow not that which I do: for what I [h]would, that do I not: but what I hate, that do I.

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  1. Romans 7:13 The proposition: That the Law is not the cause of death, but our corrupt nature, being therewith not only discovered, but also stirred up, and took occasion thereby to rebel, as which, the more that things are forbidden it, the more it desireth them, and from hence cometh guiltiness, and occasion of death.
  2. Romans 7:13 Beareth it the blame of my death?
  3. Romans 7:13 That sin might show itself to be sin, and bewray itself to be that, which is in deed.
  4. Romans 7:13 As evil as it could, showing all the venom it could.
  5. Romans 7:14 The cause of this matter, is this: Because that the Law requireth a heavenly pureness, but men, such as they be born, are bondslaves of corruption, which they willingly serve.
  6. Romans 7:15 He setteth himself, being regenerate, before us, for an example, in whom may easily appear the strife of the Spirit and the flesh, and therefore of the Law of God, and our wickedness. For since that the Law in a man not regenerate bringeth forth death only, therefore in him it may easily be accused: but seeing that in a man which is regenerate, it bringeth forth good fruit, it doth better appear that evil actions proceed not from the Law, but from sin, that is, from our corrupt nature: And therefore the Apostle teacheth also, what the true use of the Law is, in reproving sin in the regenerate, unto the end of the chapter, as a little before (to wit, from the seventh verse unto this fifteenth) he declared the use of it in them which are not regenerate.
  7. Romans 7:15 The deeds of my life, saith he, answer not, nay they are contrary to my will: Therefore by the consent of my will with the Law, and repugnancy with the deeds of my life, it appeareth evidently, that the Law and a right ruled do persuade one thing, but corruption which hath her seat also in the regenerate, another thing.
  8. Romans 7:15 It is to be noted, that one selfsame man is said to will and not to will, in divers respects: to wit, he is said to will, in that, that he is regenerate by grace: and not to will, in that, that he is not regenerate, or in that, that he is such an one as he was born. But because the part which is regenerate, at length becometh conqueror, therefore Paul sustaining the part of the regenerate, speaketh in such sort as if the corruption which sinneth willingly, were something without a man: although afterward he granteth that this evil is in his flesh, or in his members.

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