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15 But[a] we, the strong ones, ought to be carrying[b] the weaknesses of the ones not-strong, and not to be pleasing ourselves.

Be Pleasing Your Neighbor. For Even Christ Didn’t Please Himself, As It Is Written

Let each of us be pleasing his neighbor for good, toward [his] edification. For even Christ did not please Himself, but just as it has been written [in Ps 69:9]: “The reproaches of the ones reproaching You fell upon Me”.

For Scripture Was Written To Give Us Hope As We Endure In This

For all that was written-before was written for our instruction, in order that we might have hope through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures.

May God Help You All To Think The Same Thing, To His Glory

Now may the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to be thinking the same[c] thing among one another according-to[d] Christ Jesus, in order that with-one-accord you may with one mouth be glorifying the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore Accept One Another As Christ Has Accepted You, Both Jew And Gentile

Therefore, be accepting one-another, just as Christ also accepted you— for the glory of God.

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  1. Romans 15:1 The strong would completely agree with 14:22-23. But Paul wants them to also see this point, which breaks the deadlock.
  2. Romans 15:1 Or, bearing, bearing with. The strong are not just to tolerate the weak, they are to help them, support them, carry their burden.
  3. Romans 15:5 Paul does not mean the same thing about foods and days, but about the treatment of one another.
  4. Romans 15:5 Or, in harmony with.

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