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14 Be blessing the ones persecuting you— be blessing and not cursing[a]. 15 I say to rejoice with rejoicing ones, to weep with weeping ones; 16 to be thinking the same thing toward one another, not thinking lofty[b] things, but being carried-along-with[c] the lowly[d] (do not be wise among yourselves); 17 to be giving-back evil for evil to no one; to be providing-for[e] good things in the sight of all people, 18 living-in-peace with all people if possible— as far as from you; 19 to not be avenging yourselves, beloved, but give a place to the wrath of God. For it has been written: “Vengeance is for Me, I will repay, says the Lord” [Deut 32:35]. 20 “But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give-a-drink to him. For doing this, you will heap coals of fire upon his head” [Prov 25:21-22]. 21 Do not be overcome by[f] evil, but be overcoming evil with good.

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  1. Romans 12:14 That is, calling down curses.
  2. Romans 12:16 Or, high, proud.
  3. Romans 12:16 Or, accommodating to, associating with.
  4. Romans 12:16 Or, humble.
  5. Romans 12:17 Or, planning for, taking thought for.
  6. Romans 12:21 That is, by the evil done to you. Do not be controlled or directed by it, but take the lead yourself with good.

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