Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures,(A) saying, “Two pounds[a] of wheat for a day’s wages,[b] and six pounds[c] of barley for a day’s wages,[d](B) and do not damage(C) the oil and the wine!”

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  1. Revelation 6:6 Or about 1 kilogram
  2. Revelation 6:6 Greek a denarius
  3. Revelation 6:6 Or about 3 kilograms
  4. Revelation 6:6 Greek a denarius

They were told not to harm(A) the grass of the earth or any plant or tree,(B) but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.(C)

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Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass,(A) clear as crystal.

In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures,(B) and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back.(C)

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“Do not harm(A) the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads(B) of the servants of our God.”

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10 Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise,(A)
    and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.[a]

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  1. Psalm 76:10 Or Surely the wrath of mankind brings you praise, / and with the remainder of wrath you arm yourself

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