11 “The merchants(A) of the earth will weep and mourn(B) over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore(C)

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For all the nations have drunk
    the maddening wine of her adulteries.(A)
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,(B)
    and the merchants of the earth grew rich(C) from her excessive luxuries.”(D)

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23 The light of a lamp
    will never shine in you again.
The voice of bridegroom and bride
    will never be heard in you again.(A)
Your merchants were the world’s important people.(B)
    By your magic spell(C) all the nations were led astray.

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27 Your wealth,(A) merchandise and wares,
    your mariners, sailors and shipwrights,
your merchants and all your soldiers,
    and everyone else on board
will sink into the heart of the sea(B)
    on the day of your shipwreck.
28 The shorelands will quake(C)
    when your sailors cry out.
29 All who handle the oars
    will abandon their ships;
the mariners and all the sailors
    will stand on the shore.
30 They will raise their voice
    and cry bitterly over you;
they will sprinkle dust(D) on their heads
    and roll(E) in ashes.(F)
31 They will shave their heads(G) because of you
    and will put on sackcloth.
They will weep(H) over you with anguish of soul
    and with bitter mourning.(I)
32 As they wail and mourn over you,
    they will take up a lament(J) concerning you:
“Who was ever silenced like Tyre,
    surrounded by the sea?(K)
33 When your merchandise went out on the seas,(L)
    you satisfied many nations;
with your great wealth(M) and your wares
    you enriched the kings of the earth.
34 Now you are shattered by the sea
    in the depths of the waters;
your wares and all your company
    have gone down with you.(N)
35 All who live in the coastlands(O)
    are appalled(P) at you;
their kings shudder with horror
    and their faces are distorted with fear.(Q)
36 The merchants among the nations scoff at you;(R)
    you have come to a horrible end
    and will be no more.(S)’”

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20 “Rejoice over her, you heavens!(A)
    Rejoice, you people of God!
    Rejoice, apostles and prophets!
For God has judged her
    with the judgment she imposed on you.”(B)

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15 The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her(A) will stand far off,(B) terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn(C)

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16 It also forced all people, great and small,(A) rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,(B) 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark,(C) which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.(D)

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11 Wail,(A) you who live in the market district[a];
    all your merchants will be wiped out,
    all who trade with[b] silver will be destroyed.(B)

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  1. Zephaniah 1:11 Or the Mortar
  2. Zephaniah 1:11 Or in

17 Then they will take up a lament(A) concerning you and say to you:

“‘How you are destroyed, city of renown,
    peopled by men of the sea!
You were a power on the seas,
    you and your citizens;
you put your terror
    on all who lived there.(B)
18 Now the coastlands tremble(C)
    on the day of your fall;
the islands in the sea
    are terrified at your collapse.’(D)

19 “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: When I make you a desolate city, like cities no longer inhabited, and when I bring the ocean depths(E) over you and its vast waters cover you,(F) 20 then I will bring you down with those who go down to the pit,(G) to the people of long ago. I will make you dwell in the earth below, as in ancient ruins, with those who go down to the pit, and you will not return or take your place[a] in the land of the living.(H) 21 I will bring you to a horrible end and you will be no more.(I) You will be sought, but you will never again be found, declares the Sovereign Lord.”(J)

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  1. Ezekiel 26:20 Septuagint; Hebrew return, and I will give glory

Threefold Woe Over Babylon’s Fall

“When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her(A) and shared her luxury(B) see the smoke of her burning,(C) they will weep and mourn over her.(D)

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In their greed(A) these teachers will exploit you(B) with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

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18 Neither their silver nor their gold
    will be able to save them
    on the day of the Lord’s wrath.”(A)

In the fire of his jealousy(B)
    the whole earth will be consumed,(C)
for he will make a sudden end
    of all who live on the earth.(D)

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15 That is all they are to you—
    these you have dealt with
    and labored(A) with since childhood.
All of them go on in their error;
    there is not one that can save(B) you.

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A Prophecy Against Tyre

23 A prophecy against Tyre:(A)

Wail,(B) you ships(C) of Tarshish!(D)
    For Tyre is destroyed(E)
    and left without house or harbor.
From the land of Cyprus
    word has come to them.

Be silent,(F) you people of the island
    and you merchants(G) of Sidon,(H)
    whom the seafarers have enriched.
On the great waters
    came the grain of the Shihor;(I)
the harvest of the Nile[a](J) was the revenue of Tyre,(K)
    and she became the marketplace of the nations.

Be ashamed, Sidon,(L) and you fortress of the sea,
    for the sea has spoken:
“I have neither been in labor nor given birth;(M)
    I have neither reared sons nor brought up daughters.”
When word comes to Egypt,
    they will be in anguish(N) at the report from Tyre.(O)

Cross over to Tarshish;(P)
    wail, you people of the island.
Is this your city of revelry,(Q)
    the old, old city,
whose feet have taken her
    to settle in far-off lands?
Who planned this against Tyre,
    the bestower of crowns,
whose merchants(R) are princes,
    whose traders(S) are renowned in the earth?
The Lord Almighty planned(T) it,
    to bring down(U) her pride in all her splendor
    and to humble(V) all who are renowned(W) on the earth.

10 Till[b] your land as they do along the Nile,
    Daughter Tarshish,
    for you no longer have a harbor.
11 The Lord has stretched out his hand(X) over the sea
    and made its kingdoms tremble.(Y)
He has given an order concerning Phoenicia
    that her fortresses be destroyed.(Z)
12 He said, “No more of your reveling,(AA)
    Virgin Daughter(AB) Sidon, now crushed!

“Up, cross over to Cyprus;(AC)
    even there you will find no rest.”
13 Look at the land of the Babylonians,[c](AD)
    this people that is now of no account!
The Assyrians(AE) have made it
    a place for desert creatures;(AF)
they raised up their siege towers,(AG)
    they stripped its fortresses bare
    and turned it into a ruin.(AH)

14 Wail, you ships(AI) of Tarshish;(AJ)
    your fortress is destroyed!(AK)

15 At that time Tyre(AL) will be forgotten for seventy years,(AM) the span of a king’s life. But at the end of these seventy years, it will happen to Tyre as in the song of the prostitute:

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  1. Isaiah 23:3 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scrolls Sidon, / who cross over the sea; / your envoys are on the great waters. / The grain of the Shihor, / the harvest of the Nile,
  2. Isaiah 23:10 Dead Sea Scrolls and some Septuagint manuscripts; Masoretic Text Go through
  3. Isaiah 23:13 Or Chaldeans

“But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business.

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16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house(A) into a market!”

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14 for she is more profitable than silver
    and yields better returns than gold.(A)

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