A Call to Praise the Lord for His Righteousness.

A Psalm.

98 Sing a (A)new song to the Lord,
For He has done (B)wonderful things,
His (C)right hand and His (D)holy arm have [a]gained the victory for Him.
(E)The Lord has made His salvation known;
He has (F)revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations.
He has (G)remembered His graciousness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel;
(H)All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

(I)Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth;
(J)Be cheerful and sing for joy and sing praises.
Sing praises to the Lord with the (K)lyre,
With the lyre and the [b](L)sound of melody.
With (M)trumpets and the sound of the horn
(N)Shout joyfully before (O)the King, the Lord.

May the (P)sea roar and [c]all it contains,
The (Q)world and those who dwell in it.
May the (R)rivers clap their hands,
May the (S)mountains sing together for joy
Before the Lord, for He is coming to (T)judge the earth;
He will judge the world with righteousness
And (U)the peoples with fairness.

Praise to the Lord for His Faithfulness to Israel.

99 (V)The Lord reigns, [d]the peoples tremble!
He (W)sits enthroned above the cherubim, [e]the earth quakes!
The Lord [f]is (X)great in Zion,
And He is (Y)exalted above all the peoples.
May they praise Your (Z)great and awesome name;
(AA)Holy is [g]He.
The [h]strength of the King (AB)loves [i]justice;
You have established [j](AC)order;
You have (AD)executed [k]justice and righteousness in Jacob.
[l](AE)Exalt the Lord our God
And (AF)worship at His footstool;
(AG)Holy is He.

(AH)Moses and Aaron were among His (AI)priests,
And (AJ)Samuel was among those who (AK)called on His name;
They (AL)called upon the Lord and He answered them.
He (AM)spoke to them in the pillar of cloud;
They (AN)kept His testimonies
And the statute that He gave them.
Lord our God, You (AO)answered them;
You were a (AP)forgiving God to them,
And yet an (AQ)avenger of their evil deeds.
Exalt the Lord our God
And worship at His holy hill,
For the Lord our God is holy.

All People Exhorted to Praise God.

A Psalm for [m]Thanksgiving.

100 (AR)Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
(AS)Serve the Lord with jubilation;
(AT)Come before Him with rejoicing.
Know that (AU)the Lord [n]Himself is God;
It is He who has (AV)made us, and [o]not we ourselves;
We are (AW)His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates (AX)with [p]thanksgiving,
And His courtyards with praise.
Give thanks to Him, (AY)bless His name.
For (AZ)the Lord is good;
(BA)His mercy is everlasting
And His (BB)faithfulness is to all generations.

The Psalmist’s Profession of Uprightness.

A Psalm of David.

101 I will (BC)sing of mercy and [q]justice;
To You, Lord, I will sing praises.
I will (BD)carefully attend to the [r]blameless way.
When will You come to me?
I will walk within my house in the [s](BE)integrity of my heart.
I will set no (BF)worthless thing before my eyes;
I hate the [t]work of those who (BG)fall away;
It shall not cling to me.
A (BH)perverse heart shall leave me;
I will know no evil.
Whoever secretly (BI)slanders his neighbor, him I will [u]destroy;
I will not endure one who has a (BJ)haughty look and an arrogant heart.

My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me;
One who walks in a [v](BK)blameless way is one who will serve me.
One who (BL)practices deceit shall not dwell within my house;
One who speaks lies (BM)shall not [w]maintain his position before me.
(BN)Every morning I will [x](BO)destroy all the wicked of the land,
So as to (BP)eliminate from the (BQ)city of the Lord all those who do injustice.


  1. Psalm 98:1 Or accomplished salvation
  2. Psalm 98:5 Or voice of song (accompanied by music)
  3. Psalm 98:7 Lit its fullness
  4. Psalm 99:1 Or let the
  5. Psalm 99:1 Or let the...quake
  6. Psalm 99:2 Or in Zion is great
  7. Psalm 99:3 Or it
  8. Psalm 99:4 Or You have established in equity the strength of the King who loves justice
  9. Psalm 99:4 Or judgment
  10. Psalm 99:4 Or uprightness
  11. Psalm 99:4 Or judgment
  12. Psalm 99:5 The verb is plural
  13. Psalm 100 Title Or thank offering
  14. Psalm 100:3 Or He
  15. Psalm 100:3 Some mss His we are
  16. Psalm 100:4 Or a thank offering
  17. Psalm 101:1 Or judgment
  18. Psalm 101:2 Or way of integrity
  19. Psalm 101:2 Or blamelessness
  20. Psalm 101:3 Or practice of apostasy
  21. Psalm 101:5 Or silence
  22. Psalm 101:6 Or way of integrity
  23. Psalm 101:7 Lit be established before my eyes
  24. Psalm 101:8 Or silence

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