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[a]I will listen for what God, the Lord, has to say;
    surely he will speak of peace
To his people and to his faithful.
    May they not turn to foolishness!
10 Near indeed is his salvation for those who fear him;
    glory will dwell in our land.
11 [b]Love and truth will meet;
    justice and peace will kiss.(A)
12 Truth will spring from the earth;
    justice will look down from heaven.(B)

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  1. 85:9 The prophet listens to God’s revelation, cf. Hb 2:1.
  2. 85:11–13 Divine activity is personified as pairs of virtues.

13 Yes, the Lord will grant his bounty;
    our land will yield its produce.(A)
14 Justice will march before him,
    and make a way for his footsteps.

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