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    incline your ear to me;
    make haste to rescue me!
Be my rock of refuge,
    a stronghold to save me.
For you are my rock and my fortress;(A)
    for your name’s sake lead me and guide me.

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[a]Into your hands I commend my spirit;(A)
    you will redeem me, Lord, God of truth.

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  1. 31:6 Into your hands I commend my spirit: in Lk 23:46 Jesus breathes his last with this Psalm verse. Stephen in Acts 7:59 alludes to these words as he is attacked by enemies. The verse is used as an antiphon in the Divine Office at Compline, the last prayer of the day.

You hate those who serve worthless idols,
    but I trust in the Lord.

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I will rejoice and be glad in your mercy,
    once you have seen my misery,
    [and] gotten to know the distress of my soul.(A)

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17 Let your face shine on your servant;(A)
    save me in your mercy.

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21 You hide them in the shelter of your presence,
    safe from scheming enemies.
You conceal them in your tent,
    away from the strife of tongues.(A)

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