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Psalmi 37:37
Cornilescu 1924 - Revised 2010, 2014
Psalmi 37:37
Cornilescu 1924 - Revised 2010, 2014
37 Uită-te bine la cel fără prihană şi priveşte pe cel fără vicleşug;
căci omul(A) de pace are parte de moştenitori.
Proverbele 24:1
Cornilescu 1924 - Revised 2010, 2014
Proverbele 24:1
Cornilescu 1924 - Revised 2010, 2014
Luca 16:25
Cornilescu 1924 - Revised 2010, 2014
Luca 16:25
Cornilescu 1924 - Revised 2010, 2014
25 ‘Fiule’, i-a răspuns Avraam, ‘adu-ţi(A) aminte că, în viaţa ta, tu ţi-ai luat lucrurile bune, şi Lazăr şi-a luat pe cele rele; acum, aici, el este mângâiat, iar tu eşti chinuit.
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Cornilescu 1924 - Revised 2010, 2014 (RMNN)
Copyright of the Cornilescu Bible © 1924 belongs to British and Foreign Bible Society. Copyright © 2010, 2014 of the revised edition in Romanian language belongs to the Interconfessional Bible Society of Romania, with the approval of the British and Foreign Bible Society.