The Lord’s Covenant with David, and Israel’s Afflictions.

A [a]Maskil of [b]Ethan [c]the Ezrahite.

89 I will (A)sing of the lovingkindness of the Lord forever;
To all generations I will (B)make known Your (C)faithfulness with my mouth.
For I have said, “(D)Lovingkindness will be built up forever;
In the heavens You will establish Your (E)faithfulness.”
“I have made a covenant with (F)My chosen;
I have (G)sworn to David My servant,
I will establish your (H)seed forever
And build up your (I)throne to all generations.” [d]Selah.

The (J)heavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord;
Your faithfulness also (K)in the assembly of the (L)holy ones.
For (M)who in the skies is comparable to the Lord?
Who among the [e](N)sons of the mighty is like the Lord,
A God (O)greatly feared in the council of the (P)holy ones,
And (Q)awesome above all those who are around Him?
O Lord God of hosts, (R)who is like You, O mighty [f]Lord?
Your faithfulness also surrounds You.
You rule the swelling of the sea;
When its waves rise, You (S)still them.
10 You Yourself crushed [g](T)Rahab like one who is slain;
You (U)scattered Your enemies with [h]Your mighty arm.

11 The (V)heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;
The (W)world and [i]all it contains, You have founded them.
12 The (X)north and the south, You have created them;
(Y)Tabor and (Z)Hermon (AA)shout for joy at Your name.
13 You have [j]a strong arm;
Your hand is mighty, Your (AB)right hand is exalted.
14 (AC)Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne;
(AD)Lovingkindness and [k]truth go before You.
15 How blessed are the people who know the [l](AE)joyful sound!
O Lord, they walk in the (AF)light of Your countenance.
16 In (AG)Your name they rejoice all the day,
And by Your righteousness they are exalted.
17 For You are the glory of (AH)their strength,
And by Your favor [m]our (AI)horn is exalted.
18 For our (AJ)shield belongs to the Lord,
[n]And our king to the (AK)Holy One of Israel.

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  1. Psalm 89:1 Possibly, Contemplative, or Didactic, or Skillful Psalm
  2. Psalm 89:1 1 Kin 4:31
  3. Psalm 89:1 Ps 88: title
  4. Psalm 89:4 Selah may mean: Pause, Crescendo or Musical interlude
  5. Psalm 89:6 Or sons of gods
  6. Psalm 89:8 Heb Yah
  7. Psalm 89:10 I.e. Egypt
  8. Psalm 89:10 Lit the arm of Your might
  9. Psalm 89:11 Lit its fullness
  10. Psalm 89:13 Lit an arm with strength
  11. Psalm 89:14 Or faithfulness
  12. Psalm 89:15 Or blast of the trumpet, shout of joy
  13. Psalm 89:17 Another reading is You exalt our horn
  14. Psalm 89:18 Or Even to the Holy One of Israel our King