Psalm 68:18-20
Wycliffe Bible
18 Thou ascendedest on high, thou tookest captivity (captive); thou receivedest gifts among men. For why thou tookest (also from) them that believed not; for to dwell in the Lord God. (Thou ascendedest on high, thou tookest the captivity captive; thou receivedest gifts, or tribute, from people. But thou also receivedest gifts from those who believed not/from those who were rebellious; so that the Lord God might live among them.)
19 Blessed be the Lord each day; the God of our healths shall make an easy way to us. (Blessed be the Lord; each day the God of our salvation shall make our way easier for us.)
20 Our God is God to make men safe; and out-going from death is of the Lord God. (Our God is the God who saveth people; and our escape from death is by the Lord God.)
Read full chapter2001 by Terence P. Noble