The God of Sinai and of the Sanctuary.

For the music director. A Psalm of David. A Song.

68 [a]May (A)God arise, [b]may His enemies be scattered,
And [c]may those who hate Him flee from His presence.
As (B)smoke is driven away, so drive them away;
As (C)wax melts before a fire,
So the (D)wicked will perish before God.
But the (E)righteous will be joyful; they will rejoice before God;
Yes, they will rejoice with gladness.
Sing to God, (F)sing praises to His name;
[d](G)Exalt Him who (H)rides through the deserts,
Whose (I)name is [e]the Lord, and be jubilant before Him.

A (J)father of the fatherless and a (K)judge [f]for the widows,
Is God in His (L)holy dwelling.
God [g](M)makes a home for the lonely;
He (N)leads out the prisoners into prosperity,
Only (O)the rebellious live in parched lands.

God, when You (P)went forth before Your people,
When You (Q)marched through the desert, Selah
The (R)earth quaked;
The (S)heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God;
[h](T)Sinai itself quaked at the presence of God, the God of Israel.
You (U)made plentiful rain fall, God;
You confirmed Your inheritance when it was [i]parched.
10 Your creatures settled in it;
In Your kindness You (V)provided for the poor, God.

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  1. Psalm 68:1 Or God shall
  2. Psalm 68:1 Or His enemies shall
  3. Psalm 68:1 Or those who hate Him shall
  4. Psalm 68:4 Or Prepare the way for Him
  5. Psalm 68:4 Heb Yah
  6. Psalm 68:5 Lit of
  7. Psalm 68:6 Lit makes the solitary to dwell in a house
  8. Psalm 68:8 Lit This is Sinai which
  9. Psalm 68:9 Lit weary

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