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10 [a]You visit the earth and water it,
    make it abundantly fertile.(A)
God’s stream[b] is filled with water;
    you supply their grain.
Thus do you prepare it:
11     you drench its plowed furrows,
    and level its ridges.
With showers you keep it soft,
    blessing its young sprouts.
12 You adorn the year with your bounty;
    your paths[c] drip with fruitful rain.
13 The meadows of the wilderness also drip;
    the hills are robed with joy.
14 The pastures are clothed with flocks,
    the valleys blanketed with grain;
    they cheer and sing for joy.(B)

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  1. 65:10–14 Apparently a description of the agricultural year, beginning with the first fall rains that soften the hard sun-baked soil (Ps 65:9–10).
  2. 65:10 God’s stream: the fertile waters of the earth derive from God’s fertile waters in the heavenly world.
  3. 65:12 Paths: probably the tracks of God’s storm chariot dropping rain upon earth.