God Alone a Refuge from Treachery and Oppression.

For the choir director; [a]according to Jeduthun. A Psalm of David.

62 (A)My soul waits in silence for God only;
From Him (B)is my salvation.
He only is my (C)rock and my salvation,
My (D)stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.

How long will you assail a man,
That you may murder him, all of you,
Like a (E)leaning wall, like a tottering fence?
They have counseled only to thrust him down from his high position;
They (F)delight in falsehood;
They (G)bless with [b]their mouth,
But inwardly they curse. [c]Selah.

My soul, (H)wait in silence for God only,
For my hope is from Him.
He only is (I)my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
On God my (J)salvation and my glory rest;
The rock of my strength, my (K)refuge is in God.
(L)Trust in Him at all times, O people;
(M)Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Men of (N)low degree are only (O)vanity and men of rank are a (P)lie;
In the (Q)balances they go up;
They are together lighter than breath.
10 (R)Do not trust in oppression
And do not [d]vainly hope in (S)robbery;
If riches increase, (T)do not set your heart upon them.

11 [e]Once God has (U)spoken;
[f]Twice I have heard this:
That (V)power belongs to God;
12 And lovingkindness (W)is Yours, O Lord,
For You (X)recompense a man according to his work.

The Thirsting Soul Satisfied in God.

A Psalm of David, [g]when he was in the wilderness of Judah.

63 O God, (Y)You are my God; I shall seek You [h]earnestly;
My soul (Z)thirsts for You, my flesh [i]yearns for You,
In a (AA)dry and weary land where there is no water.
Thus I have (AB)seen You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.
Because Your (AC)lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips will praise You.
So I will bless You (AD)as long as I live;
I will (AE)lift up my hands in Your name.
My soul is (AF)satisfied as with [j]marrow and fatness,
And my mouth offers (AG)praises with joyful lips.

When I remember You (AH)on my bed,
I meditate on You in the (AI)night watches,
For (AJ)You have been my help,
And in the (AK)shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.
My soul (AL)clings [k]to You;
Your (AM)right hand upholds me.

But those who (AN)seek my [l]life to destroy it,
Will go into the [m](AO)depths of the earth.
10 [n]They will be [o](AP)delivered over to the power of the sword;
They will be a [p](AQ)prey for foxes.
11 But the (AR)king will rejoice in God;
Everyone who (AS)swears by Him will glory,
For the (AT)mouths of those who speak lies will be stopped.


  1. Psalm 62:1 Cf 1 Chr 16:41; 25:1; Ps 39 and 77 titles
  2. Psalm 62:4 Lit his
  3. Psalm 62:4 Selah may mean: Pause, Crescendo or Musical interlude
  4. Psalm 62:10 Lit become vain in robbery
  5. Psalm 62:11 Or One thing
  6. Psalm 62:11 Or These two things I have heard
  7. Psalm 63:1 1 Sam 22:5; 23:14
  8. Psalm 63:1 Lit early
  9. Psalm 63:1 Lit faints
  10. Psalm 63:5 Lit fat
  11. Psalm 63:8 Lit after
  12. Psalm 63:9 Lit soul
  13. Psalm 63:9 Lit lowest places
  14. Psalm 63:10 Lit They will pour him out
  15. Psalm 63:10 Lit poured out by
  16. Psalm 63:10 Lit portion